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New website!

USA | Wednesday, 26 Feb 2014 | Views [479]

Hi everyone - we've started planning for our Sahara trip end of 2014. Starting to post chronicles of our planning and have created website.  Check out Sahara planning, India, Sierra Leone, Cupcakes and more.   www.projectjoyglobal.org/ ... Read more >

Photos: India 3

INDIA | Monday, 18 Nov 2013 | Flickr Photo Gallery

India 3
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Photos: India 2

INDIA | Monday, 18 Nov 2013 | Flickr Photo Gallery

India 2
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INDIA | Sunday, 22 Sep 2013 | Views [759]

  Our journey has nearly ended.  We took a five hour taxi ride from Jaisalmer to Jodphur, and now waiting in the airport to fly to Delhi and on to Dubai for a couple of days, then home.  Thank you everyone who kept up with our posts.... Read more >

Everybody loves a happy ending

INDIA | Friday, 20 Sep 2013 | Views [646]

Phalodi to Jaisalmer We spend half an hour trying to find our way out of town, because the app is set to 'select most complicated, most obstructed, least intuitive route possible.' We drive and drive.  Interesting things probably happen but all ... Read more >

Going insane

INDIA | Thursday, 19 Sep 2013 | Views [487]

Naguar to Phalodi The days are merging into one long dream. I feel like we're in the desert (well technically we are in the desert) and there's a mirage in the distance called the Finish Line.  We drive and drive but that mirage, our oasis of ... Read more >

Photos: India 4

INDIA | Thursday, 19 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

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INDIA | Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013 | Views [551]

Ajmer back to the middle of nowhere and on to Naguar The cab driver last night was a godsend, if you overlook the 1,500 rupee charge. He made a call to someone who knew someone, who happened to be a rickshaw mechanic. A real one no less. The driver ... Read more >

Killer monkey

INDIA | Tuesday, 17 Sep 2013 | Views [572]

Middle of nowhere to Ajmer I'm mentally preparing myself to sleep in the rickshaw for the night, thinking it's got to be more salubrious than some of the hotels we've stayed in, but first we make a last ditch effort to tell the taxi drivers where we ... Read more >

This sucks dogs bollocks

INDIA | Monday, 16 Sep 2013 | Views [675]

Jaipur to middle of nowhere Today was far and away Worst Day EVER. We left Jaipur stupidly saying that the last couple of days hadn't seemed as adventurous. Should've known not to tempt fate. I am going to make this post boring and tedious to help share ... Read more >

The Taj Ma-what?

INDIA | Sunday, 15 Sep 2013 | Views [546]

    Agra to Jaipur We'd driven all this way, it would be a shame not to see the Taj Mahal right? We didn't have time to go in, and with our rickshaw with all our stuff in it it was a bit dangerous to leave it, but we ... Read more >

She touched my b@@bies!!

INDIA | Saturday, 14 Sep 2013 | Views [561]

  Kanpur to Agra We left the ripoff yes-no-wifi Citi Club Hotel and continued on countless miles of paved highway, which is getting a bit tedious, but the alternative is worse.   We stopped for breakfast at a tea shop to be ... Read more >

Great monkey bollocks

INDIA | Friday, 13 Sep 2013 | Views [475]

  Sarnath to Kanpur We awoke to the sound of monks doing martial arts and left Sarnath for Kanour. Not before stopping for more chai, delicious lentils, and sweets, all for 30 rupees ($0.50), served by friendly people who insisted I ... Read more >

Creepy Crawlies

INDIA | Thursday, 12 Sep 2013 | Views [570]

  Patna to Sarnath We left Patna, our least favorite city so far, and the horrid Hotel Chanakya, probably to the relief of all involved. Our free lassi had leaked all over the rickshaw in the night so unfortunately we had to divest ourselves ... Read more >

The long, and windey, and painful road

INDIA | Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 | Views [512]

  Our days have been longggg. We leave 6amish and usually drive until 5, stopping once or twice for tea breaks.  It's back breakingly exhausting. Three of my vertebrae have fused together and two have shattered entirely. The traffic is usually ... Read more >

The Bandits of Bihar

INDIA | Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 | Views [1950]

  Purnia to Patna We'd been warned that Bihar was renown for bandits so we wanted to make quick time across the state.  However, it wouldn't be a good trip if we didn't get ripped off at least once a day, so not to disappoint, we chanced ... Read more >

Ode to our animal friends

INDIA | Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Views [395]

    There are many types of cows here. They are light brown  but there is considerable variation in the attitude and intelligence of each. Let me start with Sensible Cow. Sensible Cow wanders to the grassy divider strip (when one ... Read more >

Do we really need a clutch?

INDIA | Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Views [409]

  Siliguri to Purnia We're off, we're off! Oh, no. What was that? Oh rats, the leaking petrol. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that we break down every two hours. Fortunately we had picked a good night to stay in a nice hotel.... Read more >

Spot of tea anyone?

INDIA | Monday, 9 Sep 2013 | Views [603]

  Goalpara to Siliguri   Today started well enough. The rickshaw decided to run after about ten minutes cranking in front of the hotel staff who kindly helped us push it out of their parking lot.  We reassembled the flag, not ... Read more >

I dream of ... cows

INDIA | Monday, 9 Sep 2013 | Views [530]

I've started taking malaria tablets, as one does when going to far-off lands. The doctor informed me these could cause wild dreams.  He said they could be very scary or very romantic. I said, what's the difference?  Anyway, here's a sample ... Read more >

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