So I´ve finally adjusted to the slow pace of life out here! My spanish is coming along very slowly and is either helped or hindered by the fact that my teacher speaks no english......
On my first Saturday I went to Isla de La Plata, photos to follow when i find a decent internet connection! This was a very barren island, they havent had any rain here for three years, this is hard to believe considering the amount we have had on the mainland! We went on what seemed like a very long hike in the very hot sun! We saw blue boobies and frigate birds, we then spent the afternoon snorkelling amongst turtles and fish. This island is known as the poor mans galapogas.......whilst it was great, either we saw it at the wrong time of year or the galapogas is not that great!
Last Saturday I went to Montanita with Natalie, the swiss volunteer girl in my group, this is the best place to surf in Ecuador and has grown into a party town. This is the closest place to a tourist town i have found around here a bit like a south american Magaluf! It had been raining alot so everywhere was very muddy (they dont seem to spend much time or money on the roads here!) we met up with some other friends and spent the night dancing till 5.30ish, only to be kept awake by a wedding party that went on till 7am!