Well i´m finally here, after months of talking about it.....I´m actually in Ecuador!
Spent the first night in Quito and then travelled by bus to Puerto Lopez which took over 12 hours, with an unexpected stopover in chone when the bus broke down. So, I had to change buses and was promised there would be one at the other end to take me to PL. So I ended up at a bus station with no english speakers and lots of spanish giving me different instructions but no bus to puerto lopez! Also no way of contacting the people I had left or were going too! However the orignal bus turned up after about 10mins all repaired and ready to go again, mucho gusto!
I am staying with a family in Puerto Rico. They are very friendly but speak no english, luckily there are four other volunteers and one speaks very good spanish! Ecuadorians are so friendly and will go out of their way to help you, even though I dont speak a word of Spanish I am managing to get around with no problems! So far so good....spanish lessons start later apparently I am to be taught by a lady who speaks no english, should be interesting!