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Retirement travelling Grey Nomad Adventures

Turkey ADventures - Part 1 - the southern area

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 17 Oct 2016 | Views [465]

After 1.5hrs on the hydrofoil we arrived in Fethiye,Turkey about 6.30pm and after a quick immigration check we greeted our friends.We then journeyed to their  house about 20mins  away in Ovacik - above Fethiye in the hills. This area is  ... Read more >

Photos: Turkey Adventures - Part 1 - southern area

TURKEY | Friday, 14 Oct 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Greek Adventures - The Islands

GREECE | Sunday, 9 Oct 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Greek Adventure - The Islands.

GREECE | Monday, 3 Oct 2016 | Views [517]

Sorry this story has been delayed but have wifi connection problems.Well our 9 day odessy to the Greeks Islands was very enjoyable but In retrospect we have to say the first and the last island were the best with the two inbetween okay for us. In order ... Read more >

Photos: Greek Adventures - Athens

GREECE | Friday, 30 Sep 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Italian Adventure - Part 3

ITALY | Thursday, 29 Sep 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Italian Adventure - Part 2

ITALY | Wednesday, 28 Sep 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Italian Adventure - Part 1

ITALY | Sunday, 25 Sep 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Greek Adventure - Athens

GREECE | Saturday, 24 Sep 2016 | Views [503]

We managed to get on the right shuttle bus and then flight to Athens and arrived on 21/9 1.30pm. Greece is 1 hr ahead of Italy.WE caught a metro into the city which was quite expensive .Should have got the bus - cheaper but longer. We found our way to ... Read more >

Italian Adventure - 5/9 to 21/9 - Part 3

ITALY | Friday, 23 Sep 2016 | Views [357]

On a bus again. Despite the bus being 1/2 hour late and the trip only approx 3 hours long there was still a 20min "rest" stop along the way. More like a smoke stop . Public smoking is everywhere in Italy (not on the bus though) and not something we are ... Read more >

Italian Adventure - 5/9 to 21/9 - Part 2

ITALY | Wednesday, 21 Sep 2016 | Views [373]

Sorry for being behind but a combination of poor wifi at times and tiredness has got the better of me. Now back to Italy. We landed in Siena just on the edge of the main historical part and of course the tourist hub. Once we found our start point we ... Read more >

Italian Adventure - 5/9 to 21/9 -Part 1

ITALY | Wednesday, 21 Sep 2016 | Views [346]

Well after our late arrival in Corniglia,the main priority was shower,change and food. A few doors a square housed several restaurants with outdoor sitting,so at 9pm we were sitting eating and drinking red wine. Just the thing after a long day travelling ... Read more >

Chamonix - 3/9 and 4/9

FRANCE | Thursday, 15 Sep 2016 | Views [321]

Our accommodation was just outside the main town of Chamonix in the Les Bossons area. A quieter area only 10-15mins bus ride to town centre. Once there about 4pm we were shown the ropes by our host. Imagine our surprise when shown the small sauna and ... Read more >

Photos: Chamonix

FRANCE | Thursday, 15 Sep 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Tour de Mont Blanc - Day 12 - last one

FRANCE | Thursday, 15 Sep 2016 | Photo Gallery

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