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Fields of Dreams in the Val d'Orcia

Fields of Dreams in the Val d'Orcia

Fields of Dreams #2 - It was late afternoon and the sun was beginning to move low in the summer sky.  With each passing minute shadows began to dance lover the sprawling wheat fields and valleys.  The wheels of the tractor that harvested the land seemed to leave behind a signature of synchronicity and oneness with the land.  The temperature was unseasonably cool as this was taken on the road from the direction of Monticchiello .  Countryside near Pienza in the Val d'Orcia region of Tuscany, Italy - June 12, 2013

ITALY | Wednesday, 3 July 2013 | Views [332]

Fields of Dreams #2 - It was late afternoon and the sun was beginning to move low in the summer sky. With each passing minute shadows began to dance lover the sprawling wheat fields and valleys. The wheels of the tractor that harvested the land seemed to leave behind a signature of synchronicity and oneness with the land. The temperature was unseasonably cool as this was taken on the road from the direction of Monticchiello . Countryside near Pienza in the Val d'Orcia region of Tuscany, Italy - June 12, 2013

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