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New Zealanding


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "auckland".

DAY 2. More Germans

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 28 Oct 2016 | Views [531]

Awoke at 9 and took a much needed shower. I'm sure my dorm mates appreciated it. Packed up my things and brought them down to the storage area and had fruit for breakfast as I enjoyed free wifi in the hostel lounge. It really is sad how we are all glued ... Read more >

Tags: auckland, mount eden, new zealand, nz

DAY 1. Top Bunk Sleeper

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 27 Oct 2016 | Views [662]

Finally departed LA after a frustrating but fortunate overnight layover. The flight to Fiji was long and hard to sleep through. Fiji was cloudy but humid and adorned a small, rundown airport. Grabbed a coffee and waited a few hours for the next flight.... Read more >

Tags: auckland, hostel, new zealand, nomads, nz

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