I have only six more pieces of tile left – the ugly cuts around the kitchen and several rooms of trim. We hope to be finished on Thursday.
After work we stopped at the ‘compound’ to take pictures of Jackson’s baby and ended up taking shots of all the kids. What hams! They all seem happy but it is really depressing to see the way they live. There is no electricity or running water and they share communal toilets. Shirango, our friend, proudly showed us his propane stove and television which is powered by a car battery. Much more attention is lavished on the cheetahs. Someone has their priorities mixed up. I wonder if such a disparity exists at Gombe or one of Jane Goodall’s orphanages. I think not.
In all fairness though, these are the lucky Blacks in South Africa. They have jobs and housing. The kids go to school and they don't live in the slums. It is only ten years since democracy came to South Africa and everyone seems patient.