We’re back at the Cheetah Lodge, as free-loading guests ready to start our indentured servitude. We will be staying at the lodge as long as rooms are available, camping when when we are forced out by paying guests. We did insist that we not be treated like guests, however, so Vanessa took us to the store and paid for the food we bought. We’ll do our own cooking – dinners at least. The entire DeWildt staff breaks for breakfast at 9:00am at Ann’s, and we are officially ‘staff’. Once you are accepted you are truly family.
Vanessa has a lot planned for us – a mix of important work, ‘grunge’ jobs and exciting trips – so much so that we may lengthen the time we spend here by cutting out some of our travel plans. We will still do Namibia, but will most likely skip Botswana. We’re going out with Vanessa and Tim on Monday and will get a better idea on what lies ahead.
While Connie is working in the office I spent the afternoon clearing brush – with a panga (machete.) It’s got to be done and I’m just the guy to do it! Tomorrow we’ll take the official tour, step one in learning how to give them. That should impress our friends when they visit!