We are resting up from our trip to Central America (11/07-3/08 - journals.worldnomads.com/connieandjohn) and taking care of all the mundane matters of civilization like taxes, doctors, dentists and such. We also have been thinking of some trips we have taken in the past four years and decided to post them.
The stories are based on our journal entries at the time but we are no longer the same people who wrote them. We have a different frame of experience and have edited accordingly. We have also grudgingly dipped our toes into the digital world and have invested in a scanner so we can include some photos originally taken on film and processed on location.
This is the story of our first trip to Africa in March, 2004. At the time it seemed the most exotic and remote place on the planet and really expanded our comfort zines, but in retrospect we refer to it as 'Africa for beginners.'