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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Malaysia | Friday, December 28, 2012 | 5 photos

Manchester, 25 years old - thats me.

But the real ME, is someone who is driven to capture travel, to get off the beaten track and to immerse myself amongst culture to absorb as much as i can.... which is where my DSLR comes in. I've only known this 'me' for 2 years, when i travelled S.America for 4 months and recently, SE Asia, for 6, with India and Nepal in Aug 2013 for 5.

Now i remember always loving to take a photograph, but it was 2 years ago that i bought my first DSLR, and how it changed me. I found something surfacing from me that i hadn't realised was hidden - a love of capturing that bundle of energy, emotion and diversity within an image and how it would make me feel. I love to travel, theres no doubt about it... and i crave the next photo opportunity, which both together, now essentially form the majority of ME. Both have become my life, and its how i now enjoy living.

In a nut-shell, i'm a dedicated, cultured, fearless young guy who still tells his mum he's going to be a photographer when he grows up. I have faith in myself, i have faith in my photographs, and all i require is for that someone to have faith in me, to learn & to prove myself in Oman. Thank you.

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