I am sorry that this blog is not up to the standard you would expect of me being a wiz on the computer. However the site does not seem to perform as it should which has led to blogs not eing uploaded and photos in the wrong orientation. For instance this is the second attempt to yesterday's story. We are in the south of te island in what was an area originally occupied by the Portugese. The Dutch built sa fort here in the 18th century. Much ofit is still in existance and includes some military use. It accommodates the old town and is a pleasant place to be. Our accommodation is next to the beach and consists of miles of golden sand, just like the Bounty advert.It is almost like paradise. T ( How would I know, I have never been there.) The manager had a surprise when she realised that Mary and Michael were related to Rodney in Bandarawela. W,e have a resident couple who "do" for us, including the cooking. We tell them what we want and they shop for us and present it at the table. We just give them the money.
The sea is quite rough here so we get quite thrown about when we enter it. It would be a surfers paradise.I got a bit of a fright today when I went out a little too far and had problems swimming back to shore. Needless to say I made it as I am not writing. this under water. Anyway there is one and a half more days to suffer this 80 degree sunshine before we head off to Colombo and then Singapore. As
I am writing this I can here the cooks seering this fish which is to be put on my plate in a few moments time.