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Bangladesh - Transportation Sense

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Worldwide | Monday, November 7, 2011 | 4 photos

Through this set of photos, I wanted to capture the spirit of transportation while traveling in Bangladesh. In developed countries, we hop in our cars and drive from point A to point B or hop on the metro to get where we need to go. In Bangladesh, a developing country, such luxuries are not readily available and the population density complicates matters. To compensate, Bangladesh utilizes space efficient and environmentally friendly modes of transportation that are available to citizens of all income levels and provide a source of income for the operators. Unfortunately, sometimes these simpler modes of transportation are equated to poverty but I like to see them as sustainable modes of transportation.

Through the lens of my camera, I aspire to continually capture stories about the differences, similarities, joys, and struggles of people and places around the world. When aware of how others live, we all have something we can share with each other. Pictures are powerful storytellers that have the ability to recall a memory, share a place with friends and family, inspire others’ travels, and preserve memories and stories.

Every time I learn something new, I wish I could go back in time to incorporate that new piece of knowledge into all my previous pictures. Working with Jason Edwards would offer a wealth of new knowledge in a short amount of time, leading to a lifetime’s worth of dividends in photo quality. Being mentored one-on-one by Mr. Edwards would enable me to learn techniques to become more consistent when capturing stories. I am open minded, inquisitive, quick to adapt and try new techniques, and dedicated to improving my photography. Photography through travel is a way for me to share the world with others.

About jhinz57

Instead of captaining gas-fueled boats, man-powered boats serve as the vessel of choice, when possible, on the water in Bangladesh. (Bikka Bil, Hail Haor, Bangladesh)

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