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Somewhere North of Home The adventures of a directionally challenged individual

Trip: Part 1

There are [4] stories from my trip: Part 1


ITALY | Friday, 28 May 2010 | Views [222]

After the longest day spent on train after train after train I reched Ancona. Hmm Ancona... what to say about a place where noone speaks English and the hostel closes half the day?? haha. It is a fine place to stop over but not coming back!! I have ... Read more >

Avignon (Ya'll are magnets)

FRANCE | Friday, 28 May 2010 | Views [305]

Avignon was a pretty little town!! We caught a train there from Barcelona and stayed 2 nights. Not a lot going on there but nice to relax. We had picnic after picnic and I think any longer there and I would have turned into a baguette. We went on a wine ... Read more >

Barcelona 2

SPAIN | Friday, 28 May 2010 | Views [295]

Barcelona could just be the coolest city in the world!! We had such a great time there, and decided we loved it more than fresh sheets AND finding $20 in your jeans pocket. So thats a lot of love right there. Highlights of Barcleona include... doing ... Read more >


SPAIN | Wednesday, 19 May 2010 | Views [342] | Comments [2]

After a hectic week ending in a very fun trip down south I was kinda looking forward to sitting on a plane and doing nothing. And boy did i get to sit on a pane and do nothing. 25 hours of travel later I arrived at Barcelona. Finally my years of watching ... Read more >