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Haiti-My first Medical Mission I'm helping Midwives for Haiti to educate skilled birth attendants. Haiti has the highest mortality rate in the Western Hemisphere. Here is where I will write daily journals of my adventure.

My 1st Blog post! Getting ready to leave. EEK!

HAITI | Wednesday, 2 November 2016 | Views [804] | Comments [3]

Bonjou!!! or Hello!


Well, here it is. My first blog post ever. I'm very excited to be writting a blog on my adventures in Haiti. I'd like to let everyone know that I will be open, blunt and honest on what I see while there. So, if your squimish, get grossed out or have a hard time dealing with heartbreaking things, this may not be something you want to read. I've been told that while in Haiti, I will see and do things that most will never see in their lifetime. I have to admit, I'm a little excited in a way about that. I don't wish to see anything bad happen to anyone, but if it does happen, it will be a learning experience on so many levels.


I have packed, unpacked and packed again all the amazing donations I have recieved. Most of them from complete strangers. I posted on a Facebook community site telling my local community what I was embarking on and I recieved an overwhelming amount of support. I have had special coworkers comb through their homes and bring me things on the donation list. I recieved a donation of reusable menstral pads from an organization called Days for Girls, www.daysforgirls.org. Their mission is to help girls go to school while on their periods by making and givng them reusable, washable pads. Most girls miss alot of school from the embarrassment of menstration.  I also had a coworker whom went to her MOPS group and told them about my story and boy did they give me some donations. One of the MOPS members told her husband about it and he went to his company and the company donated money! Talk about a web of help!!! I have so many donations that I needed to ask for donations for suitcases to take stuff down. I was gifted 3 suitcases. They are full and I may need to take stuff out of them because I'm sure I have exceeded the 50lb limit. I have called Jet Blue and asked them if they have any programs to assist in baggage fees for mission trips. The first person I talked to thought that was a wonderful idea and took a look and wasn't able to find anything. I was placed on hold and he spoke to his supervisor. I was told that they didn't have any policy for that and to talk to the airport agent when I arrived to the airport. I thought...really??? Why is the agent able to agree or decline my request but a supervisor can't? So what did I do, I called back. If you dont like the answer you get the first time, call back and talk to someone else, right? So a couple days later I called back. The exact thing happened again. I was told I needed to talk to the agent when I got to the airport. I'm hoping they give me at least 1 bag free. I have been blessed with a total of $110 for baggage fees alone. I have at least 4 total bags. All bags, except mine, will be left in Haiti for the Midwives. So, I only need to pay to get them down there. If they are just $25/each, I'm looking at $100 to get them down there. So, the donation for bags are a perfect amount. If I am gifted with free baggage fee, I will give the $110 to Midwives for Haiti (MFH) as an extra donation. 


It is very surreal that we are leaving in 2 days. March 7th, 2016 was the first time Emily made a post about it. Asking other nurses if they would be interested in a mission trip to Haiti. It was specifically for first time mission nurses. I was the first person to reply; Me! Me! Me! I have always wanted to go on a mission trip since I was youger but circumstances were never right. I was in school, taking care of little ones and older ones. Finances werent good, timing was not right, other plans etc. I finally said, I'm doing this! I jumped on board and I am very excited. People keep asking me if I'm excited. Of course the answer is yes. I have alot of other feelings too. I'm scared, apprehensive, nervous and grateful. I'm grateful that my friends, family and strangers have made this mission possible. I'm scared, nervous and apprehensive for a few reasons. The unknown, what I may witness, am I gonna get sick while there, am I able to make a difference? Speaking of getting sick. I start my antimalarials tomorrow. I will take them everyday while down there and a week after I get home. I also had my Hepatitis A vaccine and the Typhoid fever pills. Other required vaccines like MMR, tDaP, flu, varicella and Hepatitis B I have already had. I will be using different methods to aid in avoiding Zika/mosquito bites, they love me! Like bug spray and bracelets (gross), Avon's Skin so Soft (thanks Carey) and fabric softner sheets. I have also picked up my prescription for travelers diarrhea. Lets cross our fingers I don't get that but if I do, I'm ready.So, as you can see, I'm ready to go on this adventure. I have amazing ladies that I'm taking this journey with. I work side by side with these ladies in Labor and Delivery and trust them with my life. They are very competent and I couldn't have picked a better, smarter group to go with.  Speaking of which, let me introduce them to you. If you check the blog often, I will be talking about them frequently so, you need to know who they are. Emily is the leader of the pack. She has done alot of humanitarian/mission trips. I have always said she was my hero and I want to be like her when I grow up after she volunteered in a Ebola mission, EBOLA GUYS!! She started this MFH journey and is part of a organization called One Nurse at a Time, www.onenurseatatime.org. This organization helps get nurses involved in mission work. Jo's Nurses is a part of ONAAT. It is a program to help first time mission nurses (like myself) travel abroad. It provides pre-trip orientation and training so nurses are comfortable and informed and also provides a scholarship, if needed (I didn't need it). I was able to raise enough funds to completely cover the cost of my trip and some more after that. Nurses commit to another trip within a year of their first, no problem for me. Thier motto is Dream one, Do one, Lead one. I can only dream of one day leading one! WOW, bucket list right there! Thanks Emily for all that you do and taking me on this amazing journey. Next is Shani. Shani is a Midwifery student as well as a L and D nurse. She is amazing. She is balancing her family life, work, higher education and is taking this mission on. WOW. I can barely manage family and work let alone college too. She is a Mom, has witty personallity and makes me laugh. Donna is next. She moved back to Sand Deigo last year but not before I worked closely with her in L and D. She is also a Mom, understands and accepts me for me and we get along great. I am very excited to see her! I miss her face! Tiffany is next. She works at Providence and a Dr's office. She is very talented and can knit perfectly. Oh and she makes great jam!! She is funny and know how to have a good time. Those are just brief explanations of the girls. I won't go into too much detail about them, but know that we are very cohesive and are perfect for this trip. 


We leave Friday night, 9pm, fly to NYC and have a 3 hour layover. Then arrive in Haiti Saturday afternoon. The pickup process  has been very thoroughly explained to us and I feel we will be safe. More to come later on that. I plan to blog everyday. I may or may not have wifi everyday but will post to facebook when I have internet service. The place I'm staying initially is very rural and I'm not sure how it will be till I get there. Speaking of internet, the election will happen while I'm in this rural area. Us girls have already expressed the need to know on the election results and will try to find internet service, even if we need to take some transportation into the closest town. 


I think that is all for now. I have a busy couple days to get eveything in order at home before I leave. I appreciate you all for following me on this adventure and would love to recieve comments on my blog posts. It will help to know that I still have support and to hear from folks back home.


Ne a We! or Goodbye!


Jessica Roobins, RN

Tags: first post, haiti, mission



I am so happy for you Jessica. I how how much you have been looking forward to this trip. God bless you and you team and keep you safe while you are helping others. Aunt Phyl

  Phyllis soldano Nov 3, 2016 3:10 PM


So excited for you, Jessica. Great read, I'll be following.

  Bernie Darling Nov 4, 2016 6:20 PM


This is so wonderful! I hope to go one day soon... and will be anxiously awaiting your blog entries.

  Lori Nov 5, 2016 1:04 AM

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