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School of Travel

About jenniferallison

"Your school years are the best days of your life", many adults told me as a child. To these people, who I presume never travelled, I would say "My travel years were (and continue to be) the best days of my life." And though I am only in my late twenties, travel has taught me more about the world, myself and this life than all of my school combined. Travel is where I finally discovered my passion and drive in life, photography. 

As soon as I set out on the road on a round-the-world, "I'll be home in a year"..ish, adventure, I saw life through a lens, if not always physically, then mentally, always capturing that "perfect" shot in my mind. My friends would forever nag me that I was not truely experiencing what was in front of me, but to me, this was the best way, the only way. Not only was I witnessing 'once in a lifetime' moments, I was combining it with what I loved best and getting to relive and share these moments over and over.

I haven't stopped since, whether it be through expanding my skills at an evening class, wandering out and about in my local area or taking another trip further afield, I always strive to better my images and style, push myself to look at familiar things in an unfamiliar way, and go where others may have not ventured. 

I'm not sure if I will ever stop roaming, camera at the ready, I hope I never do, for as long as there's world to see and new ways to show it, I will continue to aim high and make my passion my life. Everyday.