if there is such a thing in india as plans, mine have changed a bit ;). turns out his holiness will be teaching oct 1st thru 5th at the templedown the road. so i bought myself an FM radio and got passport photos taken and i have to go to the website and double-check where but somewhere around here i have to go have an ID card made which will get me in. and then the fm radio serves for the translation.
also, i dont have much time here as there's a sufi concert in 35 min. down the road a bit in the middle of town. i heard about it from a group of music people, canadian and israeli mostly, who were jamming informally at one of the cafes in the area. also met an interesting guy who's been studying tantra for about 20 years and lives semipermanently up the road a bit. there are quite a few "ex-pats" who live semipermanently in india.. popping off to thailand or sri lanka or nepal for an extension/renewal of their visa, and then back. this area in particular seems to be home to many on various levels.. some who seem to have "dropped out" in the 70s and never came back (although most of the classical hippie looking dudes which i expect to be american are of european origin somewhere..) anyhow since i'll be in town a bit more i can try to fill in the blanks later.. bye for now