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Aiming For The Never-Ending Horizon


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "germany".

Pleasantly Not Surprised

BELGIUM | Wednesday, 20 Aug 2014 | Views [1347]

My first ever train ride in Europe confirmed the pre-conceived ideas I had developed of what train travel here would be like. It was… pleasant . I was a little sad to be leaving the tragically hip city of Berlin so soon. I had grown a deep ... Read more >

Tags: belgium, europe, germany, train

A Positive Blunder In History

GERMANY | Tuesday, 19 Aug 2014 | Views [4740] | Comments [1]

Man, I wish I was at that press conference! The one on November 9th, 1989 when Günter Schabowski, the unofficial spokesman for the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), announced to a room full of gathered journalists that travel restrictions ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, berlin wall, germany, history

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