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This is another lake within the national park in southwestern Bolivia.  It is called Laguna Verde.  It is a gorgeous aguamarine lake (copper sulfate giving it its color) which sits at 5,000m or 16,335 ft.  Behind the lake is a dramatic valcano called Volcan Licancabur.  It rises to 5, 930m or 19,569 ft.  And behind that is Chile.

BOLIVIA | Monday, 4 February 2008 | Views [398]

This is another lake within the national park in southwestern Bolivia. It is called Laguna Verde. It is a gorgeous aguamarine lake (copper sulfate giving it its color) which sits at 5,000m or 16,335 ft. Behind the lake is a dramatic valcano called Volcan Licancabur. It rises to 5, 930m or 19,569 ft. And behind that is Chile.

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