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BOTSWANA | Tuesday, 30 May 2006 | Views [769] | Comments [11]

Your intrepid travellers ventured from the safety of the orphanage on their first camping trip. We camped at a Bird sanctuary by the salt pans. The tent we have borrowed seemed flimsy and insubstantial compared to the lions elephants and dinasaurs lurking out there. We followed all the rules driving the 2 meters to the toilet and staying very quiet apart from the tent vibrating with our nervousness. In the morning we discovered the wild animal threatening us in the night was a donkey. The pans were really spectacular. Miles of white salt encrusted sand seemingly going on for miles. Then is the lakes left by the last rains flocks of flamingo and pelicans.This is just a trial run so please reply so we know if it works

love to you all Jane and Joe.

Tags: Adventures




Yes it all works - how clever!! What do we do? Check this site every so often or wait for messages from you?

Hope you are having a wonderful time - what a trip.

Lots of love,

Sue & Tom xx

  Sue & Tom Jun 7, 2006 4:43 AM


Hey mum and dad,
Jane and Joe of the jungle! You big adventurers. Watch out for those donkeys.
Love you as big as the sky

  Katie Jun 7, 2006 5:12 AM


wow, how exciting, and how good to hear from you and that you are finding time to get the tent out. i'm off to london for the weekend and am having trouble sleeping, the seperation anxiety is already too much!

look forward to teh next exciting instalment....
Lx Gx Ax Px

  lyndy, graham, archie and pearl Jun 7, 2006 5:26 AM


Wow! Wonderful - and entertaining too! I'm grinning at the screen as if you are here - and it's a sunny morning after 2 days of steady rain - at last!

Jackie is visiting, mid-semester break, snoozing as I type - a happy Mum!

Much love to you both
Bitsy xoxo

  Bitsy Ackland Jun 7, 2006 8:25 AM


Hey mum and dad,
this is great. oh and yes it works. I got a copy of Katies Cache magazine. Its very classy.
Anyway looks good. are there any pictures???
love bink

  Binky Jun 7, 2006 5:20 PM


brilliant! Now I never need do it myself.

Thanks and LOL

Richard, Anna etc

  richard Jun 7, 2006 6:36 PM


hey guys! wounds like a wonderful adventure :) very much looking forward to joining you in zambia! oh, and the flights form mfuwe to lusaka are joined with the lusaka to london ones, so no worries if kate has to go on her own - all she will need is a lift to the mfuwe airport which shouldn't be that hard to take care of, not very far! :) i agree eith bink, some evidence of joe's growing skiill as a photographer would be nice!! take care, love M

  Marcus Jun 7, 2006 9:40 PM


Great to hear from you both, Sounds like the adventure has definatly began!

Lots of love to you both xx

  Josie Jun 8, 2006 12:33 AM


Hi Jane and Joe
great to hear from you-and what a fantastic system!!
Glad you weren't gored by the donkey!!
Things are great here. We have a delightful new addition to the family-a puppy called Fred. He's a middie poodle: a cross betweed the standard (large) and the miniature (medium size). Ro said to tell you Jane that Serge's book is out and is doing well.

  Tony Parkes Jun 8, 2006 9:44 AM


on line at last! All those walks around cape byron talking of Africa and now you are living the dream, fantastic. Climbed the cape yesterday , saw many dolphins flying thru the whitewater saying an aerial howdy.
Look forward to the updates of your adventures, sounds like you are both in your element.
lol Lisa and Pete xoxox

  Lisa Harcombe Jun 11, 2006 10:50 AM


Hi Jane
At long last I have been able to make contact...thank you for the opportunity. You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Delighted that all is going so well. Keep well and happy and SAFE in the jungle. This seems to be a great system you have going...don't know if this is getting through but hope it is...I'm computer illiterate!!
Heaps of love

  Joan Jun 22, 2006 10:14 AM

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