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From KL-LA-Bogota

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 22 March 2011 | Views [770]

Quite a mission wanting to go to the other side of the world.. After a great Indian breakfast in Kuala Lumpur we were ready to head back to the airport in Kuala Lumpur. We were about 3 hours before departure at the airport hoping for good seats.. But we only were lucky the first leg of the journey from KL to Guangzhou (China) with a bit of leg space.. This part took us 4 hours but then the big cross over. James was really looking forward to this.. We bought some travel pills with the hope it would knock us out.. It did with me I slept for a bit but James was totally nackered after the 13 hour flight. But we saw two times in a day the sunrise and sunset. And best of all we left on Tuesday the 8th of March 14.10 and arrived in LA on Tuesday the 8th of March at 17.50. In LA we grabbed a quick and cheap meal (Finally steak again ;-) ) and we were ready to crash out in the hotel/hostel with really comfy beds.. unfortunately we woke up at about 2 am local time awake as.. What to do.. watch a movie/shag or two, read a book get some fresh air and try to go back to sleep.. Which did not work. We could not wait till the restaurant was open for a nice brekkie and after that to try to get some more sleep. But the American waitress kept topping up our coffees which was not much of a help.. It is really as in the movies.. and lucky she was a Mexican so we did not had to put up with the American accent, first thing in the morning. Ah well if we could not sleep we might as well check out LA. We were in the area of Santa Monica near the famous Venice Beach and a great shopping area. We topped up our bags with clothes and shoes (All necessities though!!) which chewed a bit of our budget ;-) But needed because we did not have any cold weather gear. We walked around LA and after a real big American lunch, the tiredness kicked in and we decided to chill out a bit on the beach. We felt more and more horrible like a really bad hangover.. This must be the jet-lag.. We went back to the hotel and decided to have a beer in a cafe/burger house. In this place you could order the burger you want (tick boxes what you want on your burger) but we were really not keen, but the waitress tried almost to push it down our throats. “ you really don't want a burger'.. Hell no we preferred to go the same place where we had our breakfast and where they don't serve fries (chips) with every meal. Alright off to the airport again, to go to Colombia. Which was already a mission on its own if all is what you want a bed. But they did not let us check in until we had a proof we would leave Colombia again.. Great, what to do now.. Buying flight tickets we can cancel later on. Because from now on we want to travel as much as we can overland. We are really 'over-planed'. From LA to Miami in 5 hours and then to Bogota another 3,5 hours. Anyway we arrived safe without any delays.. We should try to calculate how many planes and how many hours we spend on the plane and airports.. but really cannot be assed... and the beautiful places we are going to see is all worth it! We heard about the Tsunami in Japan and a few more things in the world, but we are safe and sound! Keep us updated, because the news what we are watching is in Spanish.. and much more then Gracias and Hola.. we do not really understand ;-) Salut!



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