Crockett Road Trip 2008 – Final Day July 12
Today was spent driving home! We left Knoxville about 8:00 and arrived in Madison about 3:30. It was a fairly uneventful day and all of us could not wait to get home. I gave the boys a final exam on the way, history and trivia. Collectively they were able to pass. Craig and Patience were not expecting us until tomorrow and they were with Rachel in Hattiesburg at a softball tournament. They will not get home until about midnight so Brandon is staying with us tonight. When Brandon and I dropped off Will and Wes at their house I asked Clint to take a picture of all 4 of us. It is the only picture of all of us on the entire trip, and I added it to the Manassas group. You may view it as the last picture on the Manassas photo gallery. One thing I need to clear up. There was a departure from the planned agenda. We missed the Antietem Battlefield and picked up Bull Run (Manassas) instead. The change was made because we ran out of time in getting from Gettysburg to Washington D. C. We had hoped to go by Antietem on the way from Gettysburg to Washington because it’s not much out of the way. Bull Run was on the way home so we chose to go there. Overall it was simply a GREAT TRIP. A trip I will always remember and one I hope the boys will too. Here are some things I learned about my grandsons on the trip. Wes will probably have a lot of money some day because he refuses to spend his money when he thinks someone else will pay for what he wants or needs. He returned home with just about all of the “allowance” D’Dad gave him on the trip. Will is probably the world’s best trivia expert for his age; he seems to remember everything. Brandon is the same great kid he has always been; he is oriented toward swords, knives and adventure stories. ALL THREE OF THE BOYS ARE DEFINITELY ALPHA MALES. They are competitive in everything. I simply cannot express how much I enjoyed spending a whole week with them and how glad their D’Dad is that he survived the week. These grandsons are blessings from God!