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INDONESIA | Thursday, 2 Dec 2010 | Views [1352]

The airport hall at Kuala Lumpur looks very tidy and for few minutes we think total renovations have been done recently but NO, ‘beauty is in the eye of beholder’, it is only in our brains … four months in India have changed our perception ... Read more >

Photos: Indonesia

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: India - North

INDIA | Wednesday, 22 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

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India - North

INDIA | Sunday, 19 Sep 2010 | Views [2540]

Amritsar has mainly two attractions to offer: Golden Temple and Indian-Pakistan border ceremony, two totally incomparable events. Being the holiest Sikh’s shrine in India, Golden Temple is truly majestic and beautiful. Time flies fast here and ... Read more >

Photos: India - Central West

INDIA | Thursday, 5 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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India - Central West

INDIA | Monday, 2 Aug 2010 | Views [1897]

Morning at Mumbai train station is pretty chaotic, people are everywhere, some sit, many sleep on floor... we can not say who is waiting for train and who permanently lives here. It was very hot night and the only relieve came from couple ... Read more >

Photos: India - South

INDIA | Wednesday, 16 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

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India - South

INDIA | Wednesday, 16 Jun 2010 | Views [2737]

Today is Sunday, 25 April, 2010 and that means two things - we move from Sri Lanka  to India, but the most important is birth of my second grandson Elliot in Australia. Hurray!! Another backpacker is born.  Chennai , the 7 million capital of Tamil ... Read more >

Photos: Sri Lanka

SRI LANKA | Sunday, 16 May 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Sri Lanka

SRI LANKA | Sunday, 16 May 2010 | Views [1280]

Nine hours flight from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur is smooth despite we fly over the equator and dense stormy clouds prevent any views from our window. Staying in Tune Hotel just 500m from the terminal tonight, we leave early tomorrow morning. Truly ... Read more >

Photos: Tasmania

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

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AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 | Views [873]

Eight months has passed since our return from RWT-1 and what a life here at Blue Bay it was! Living in small one bedroom unit just 300m from beautiful beach was comfortably easy and we had no difficulties to adjust to such lifestyle… but it’s ... Read more >

Gallery: Russia

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Saturday, 10 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Saturday, 10 Oct 2009 | Views [1184]

Overnight train was comfy and quiet – we had four berth coupe for ourselves until last stop just before Mongolian side of border around 7am on Thursday 14 May. While stretching my legs on platform, I change redundant Tugriks into Rubles with a ... Read more >

Gallery: Mongolia

MONGOLIA | Saturday, 8 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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MONGOLIA | Saturday, 8 Aug 2009 | Views [1223]

Within half an hour of leaving Erlian the Mongolian authorities infested our train to start really thorough border/customs check. Our passports are taken away for stamping and we are not allowed to leave train for almost three hours. All doors and windows ... Read more >

Gallery: China

CHINA | Thursday, 28 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

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CHINA | Sunday, 19 Apr 2009 | Views [2204]

Our last steps in Vietnam take us from the bus to Vietnamese custom building, then in rain we need to walk 200m bridge across the river which divides two countries. Chinese officials look very strict and while Iva is checked rather quickly, my passport ... Read more >

Gallery: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Friday, 17 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

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VIETNAM | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Views [1186]

Young tuk-tuk driver gives assurances once more that he is going to take us directly to border, and the ride should not take more then 2.5 hours. Leaving Kampot at 11am we enjoy local villages, kids running towards us calling "Hello" and scenery ... Read more >

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