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Shitscared and headfirst into Chaos

The Sizzler Effect

POLAND | Sunday, 15 July 2007 | Views [1248] | Comments [2]

During this trip Eve's father put forward the notion of the sizzler effect. It isn't new age science in any way, in fact it revolves around the idea of eating so damn much that all you can do is shit, and the sight of food makes you feel like vomiting.

I am currently undergoing the sizzler effect, or maybe i should say i am coming out of the arse end of it, because i know mine was certainly sore in Warsaw. If i never see another potato dumpling again it won't bother me.

Any way the trip has been continuing at a brisk pace. We have been running across Poland as if we are on fire, seeing a lot of back alleys and garbage bins with brief stops in city centres and perhaps a 5 min stop of shopping here and there. I haven't been the most informative as to where we have actually gone so far so i'll give a bit of a list from the beggining.

We started Poland from Gdansk, met Eve's parents.

Continued on to Elk for a night stop on the way to Bieowviesza( i know that is spelt wrong but the keyboard doesn't have the right letters and i can hardly remember how to spell it anyway.

After that we raced across the countryside with a few culinary assaults on our stomachs and arrived in Warsaw. It was pretty cool even if i didn't see much.

Next stop was Eve's families home town , starts with a P, i'll get the spelling for that in a sec. A lot of relatives, what i saw of the place was nice though.

And that finally leads us to where i am now, Krakow. If there is one place you think you have to visit in Poland, there's a pretty high cahnce that Krakow will be that place. It's a relatively nice city, with a reasonably extensive old quarter, which is a bit of a tourist hell but worth seeing. Otherwise the rest of the city looks a bit like a rotting cabbage, dirty scraped up and roughly resembling some strange detritus left over from the Russian occupation. That sounds terrible, but is pretty accurate... don't let that put you off though, the old town alone is worth coming to see.

I haven't had much of a chance to look through stores at all let alone to see instruments unfortunately, as i really am missing playing guitar..hahaha a funny thing happened in Gdansk at the hostel we stayed at. One morning i went down to the lounge room and discovered there was a guitar there, after a brief tuning i started to twang around. Not long after a pom comes in sitting on the lounge having a ciggarette and acting studiously disinterested. The whole facade crumbled after about 4 minutes, disinterest fell away and he asked me if had come to Poland to tour and if i was playing at the festival that night. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! How wrong could you be.I almost felt sorry for dissapointing him and saying no, i was just a bum like him.

The truth is that there haven't been many musical instruments worthy of looking at since Tokyo, Japan does that to you. Although the other day i saw a bunch of Piano Accordion players in the town square in Krakow, and damn they were good, Russian dudes they were. They played all classical, 4 accordions playing off against each other it was like an orchestra/

Tommorow i'm off to the Tatra Mountains, should be cool, getting out of the city will be interesting anyway. Journeys leaving cities in the car with Eve's dad are always interesting.

Tags: Misadventures



Hi Shean Hahahaha.Hope you are Ok The flu obviously was overtaken by your other problem.WHERE are THE PHOTOS?Hope to read more soon .Love to you & all MumxxxxoooooBAC

  Glennis Dignam Jul 15, 2007 10:46 PM


hey umm your xbox 360 is freaking me out give us a buzz aye. looks like your having fun hmmm well maybe an expeirie4nce is a better description lol

  Tristan Dignam Jul 17, 2007 7:02 PM

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