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Shitscared and headfirst into Chaos

DNS woes in China

CHINA | Tuesday, 27 July 2010 | Views [437] | Comments [4]

For the last few hours i have troubleshooting problems trying to figure out what the fuck is going wrong with the net connection here. Finally after smacking my head against a brick wall for ages i recalled a similar problem i had about a year ago and tracked it down to a DNS issue, finally fixed i can cruise the net again. I switched to Google's DNS rather than use Chinas. For anyone that has a problem connecting in China in the future the addresses are and Nice and simple.

Alright now for the tirade....

WARNING: If you are easily offended, or like to think that your opinion is more valid than someone elses, and that you have the right to shout them down, then you should probably stop reading NOW!!! I am open to discussion about my opinions. I am not open to a onesided teenage tirade, so anyone thinking of posting or hurling abuse at me better wake the fuck up.

Anyway nerd shit aside, China has finally defeated me. I have finally come to the firm resounding conclusion that this country sucks dogs balls. Yes i have had a bit of fun here, but fun is something that you have to work solidly at in China, it feels like a lvl grind out of WoW. Joy is fleeting, add to this the racist population of this country, and things start to get out of hand. I have lost track of the amount of times i have had to listen to racial abuse right to my face, and these dumb fuckers think i don't understand them because they are speaking in Mandarin. They don't realise i'm just too polite to reach accross the counter and beat the living shit out of them in front of everyone else. On the whole the country itself is dissapointing and even a tad on the boring side. I expect to get milked for money when i travel as a tourist, i even expect some racial prejudice, what i do not expect is a population that seems to be hurling it's collective inferiority complexes at me. If i could take this trip back i would. It would save me a lot of wasted time and money, but in many ways i guess it's a learning experience. I know that not everyone that comes to China feels this way, maybe they believe they are having a spiritual journey or some such toff, travelling through monuments of ancient history. I call BS.

This countries history as the world knows it nowadays, is a carefully crafted deceit, and any remnant of realism seems to have been destroyed and remanufactured out plastic and false wood veneer. Possibly England or any of the countless invaders are responsible, but in truth what matters is the fact that it is not there. It is gone or perhaps never existed. Travelling China i have not gotten an impression of history or culture. The impression i am left with is that this is a country that represents the future. And that future is bleak. Consumerism is rampant, people work for peanuts while the rich buy shiny new phones. Overpopulation is causing people to live on top of each other, no clean water and failing sewers, crops dwindling and the ever present smog of industrial progress gathers like a funeral shroud. Into this chaos people aren't getting the education or medical attention that they deserve. All this time you as a westerner, are being ridden like a limping donkey, as everybody tries to flog for every penny you have. And when you can't cough up any more, they hurl abuse at you for not buying that bottle of water that you know was 5 times the usual asking price. Because you are a filthy gwailoh you should pay, they deserve your money more than you do, even if you worked for it and they didn't. This sounds harsh, and in truth it is, but the real problem about this treatment, is that it is not the poor that do this. You could understand that, and if you were a descent person you would probably pay. No these deeds are perpetrated by people with shiny watches and flashing golden false teeth, new clothes and expensive shoes, walking with the crinkling sounds of pockets full of precious Yuan and ripping off their fellow chinese at the same time. Most of the time, trawling a tourist site in China is like swimming shark infested waters with a gaping wound and there is no respite.

You can stop, pull out your camera admire some fleeting moment of beauty, and the next second someone is screaming in your ear, yelling at you to buy something, some shit they thrust deliberately in front of the barrel of your camera as your finger depresses the shoot button. Ruining the shot, and the moment of peace and awe, you are left with 2 choices, give in and buy that shit you didn't want or be a rude prick and tell them to go away. There is no middle ground, trying to be nice will mean that they may cling to you for upto 15 mins and they will attract attention, and before you know it like seagulls to a chip, you are fleeing with your tail between your legs. Beaten and robbed of any dignity, the money in your wallet decreasing by the minute.

After all this there has been some joy. There are things that i am glad i have seen, there are things i think everybody should see, and there are things that i think everybody should be aware. I will not say don't go to China. In some ways it is worth seeing, just be aware that seeing China comes at a price, and having fun, really enjoying it will be something you will have to work at.



Hey, man! I am right with you on this! I've wandered around enough to know to call things as they are. Sorry China has turned out so difficult. You have my respect for giving it a go, real and all, and not doing the cop-out packaged junk-it!

I can't say I would have had the guts do have done China, myself, and I've been to Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, and (shudder) Romania.

Best of luck with your journeys, dude.

They still have the cool coke can glasses in Polski, but hurry up!!! I STILL need a red one!


  andrew rutherford Aug 2, 2010 3:21 AM


By the way, if the great firewall is giving you troubles, here is my blog address.


  andrew rutherford Aug 2, 2010 3:25 AM


thanks man, i was originally worried about making this post, but in the end i thought fuck it. It's the way i felt about it. I did love some things about China, and i have to say it was a lot easier than i was expecting, but yeah there were some major irritations. I hate to say this but most of those irritations were the people themselves, i would never usually make a call like that, but in truth that is what i was having problems with, not all people but just when it counted.

  incarna Aug 2, 2010 4:56 AM


mmm I hear you bro! I remember in India being told by the gentleman who drove us around for four days (Raj)..."Indians know...never trust a fat Indian, who lives in India...because you always wonder how many brothers he stood on to eat so well..."... I think that was the first night I cried myself to sleep in India... but as you say, it is a learning experience, meanwhile the lessons continue regardless of mobility :)... love you babe, hugs to Eve as well, it was lovely to speak to you yesterday, and I'm workin on the angst babe, Thanx! xoxoxox

  Juanie Aug 3, 2010 2:58 PM

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