So not content with doing a mad trip once, here we go again. The last
few months have been fraught with stress and bad organisational skills
as this new journey has decided to take on the shape of an overfed
grumpy turkey that is trying to bite me on the arse.
I've lost count of the amount of times, we have changed trsvel plans, come up with alternate routes, lost sight of the objective and general bad shit happening. And yet against all odds we have arrived at this point again, that nervous tick that seems to writhe across the face and somehow lodge itself in your bowels, is in control again. Thats right, the trip begins anew in but a few days.
I have yet to scramble back to Sydney and finish packing the flat up, something i began and did not complete in true Dignam fashion. I somehow optimistically evaluated the situation to be doable about a week and a half ago. With the bowel clenching fear kicking in i'm not so sure now. Last minute details of unpreparedness are starting to rear their heads like mongoloid demon babies and i generally i feel like i'm driving around in a car made of cardboard and held together by duct tape.
Yet, through previous experience, i know that this is just the general feel of leaving on a trip this huge. That things inevitable start off shaky with you feeling wobbly or like you are going to throw up. There is one real hope that dominates my thoughts now though... please do not let this just be one massive year of travel. I must write this damn book.