Ok, not _quite_ everything has gone wrong that could have gone wrong, but I'm getting pretty close. I'm rather hoping that I'm just getting the problems out of the way at the start and things will improve from here.
So here are my tasks so far:
Fly Canberra to Sydney. Sounds simple, done it enough times before, what could possibly go wrong? Bad weather in Sydney, all flights very badly delayed. And I'm supposed to be on the only VirginBlue flight... there's no earlier choice to change to. If I stick with this one they say I'll leave Canberra 10min after I was supposed to arrive in Sydney. And there's a good possibility it could be even later since the plane is still in the air on the way to Sydney. Luckily for me I have a nice mother with a credit card! So $160 later I'm on a Qantas flight. One that due to being delayed is leaving an hour late, but it's only 15min later than I was going to be leaving originally.
Get from domestic terminal to international terminal in Sydney. Also sounds pretty simple - you just get the shuttle bus, right? Well no, it turns out that if you fly in on Qantas but fly out on something else you can't use the Qantas shuttle and the other shuttle goes from the other domestic terminal. It took me about half an hour of asking random staff members where to go before I realised that all they had to say in the first place was "go to the other side of that carpark". Blah. So I get to the bus stop with 10min to spare before the last bus. Phew. If I'd missed that I would have had to line up for a taxi (or push in, I suppose). So I got the shuttle over to the international terminal, checked in and got to my gate just before boarding was scheduled to begin. Yay! Something worked. I thought all would be fine...