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Two People, Fourteen Months, One huge world!

Photos: 16 - UK, UAE

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Monday, 26 Dec 2016 | Photo Gallery

The Final Chapter
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The Final Chapter - UK, UAE, NZ

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Monday, 26 Dec 2016 | Views [792] | Comments [1]

“All good things must come to an end” so they say and it seems that “they” are right!   We had set aside the last month of our trip for family in the UK and had a great time with them, starting with celebrations ... Read more >

Tags: burj khalifa, travel hack

France - Part 3 - July

FRANCE | Sunday, 27 Nov 2016 | Views [998] | Comments [1]

For weeks we had been building toward this challenge, a dash across the entire South of France from Pamplona in Spain through to Nice, virtually on the Italian border with just thirty hours to achieve it using one driver!   We were ... Read more >

Tags: champagne, gorge du verun, guedelon, lavendar, monaco, nice, provence, south of france, sunflowers

Photos: 15 - Spain Pt 2 - Running of the bulls

SPAIN | Saturday, 29 Oct 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Spain – Part 2 – The Running of the Bulls

SPAIN | Saturday, 29 Oct 2016 | Views [1030] | Comments [1]

For as long as I have known her Tamara has made it clear that visiting Pamplona for the Festival of St. Fermin (aka. “The Running of the Bulls”) was item number one on her bucket list. Ever since it was popularised by Ernest Hemmingway ... Read more >

Tags: blood-sport, bull fight, fiesta, pamplona, running of the bulls

France - Part 2 - June

FRANCE | Sunday, 23 Oct 2016 | Views [1218] | Comments [3]

We swept into Paris on a tide of enthusiasm which was equally matched by a flood tide of river waters.   During the few days of our visit we watched with bated breath as the River Seine rose higher and higher from the ankles to the waist ... Read more >

Tags: alps, floods, friends, kayaking, mercedes, road trip

Photos: 14 - France

FRANCE | Thursday, 7 Jul 2016 | Photo Gallery

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France - Part 1 - May

FRANCE | Wednesday, 1 Jun 2016 | Views [926] | Comments [1]

This is where it all started. Shortly after completing my school years I read Peter Mayall's famous book "A Year In Provence" and since that point have always wanted to spend a year in France, it would undoubtably be as full of crazy locals, obscure ... Read more >

Tags: brittany, byeaux, castles, chateaux, d-day, loire, normandy, versailles

Photos: 13 Venice

ITALY | Sunday, 8 May 2016 | Photo Gallery

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ITALY | Sunday, 8 May 2016 | Views [1202] | Comments [1]

Our experience of arriving at Venice Station with the Venice-Simplon Orient Express was like a scene from a movie. It is unfortunate that we were in a public bus driving alongside as it glided across the causeway rather than riding aboard but you can't ... Read more >

Tags: camping, canals, star jumps., weekend break

Photos: 12 Israel

ISRAEL | Saturday, 30 Apr 2016 | Photo Gallery

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ISRAEL | Saturday, 30 Apr 2016 | Views [993] | Comments [1]

I'll be honest. I didn't really want to go to Israel as I have already been twice before, once with Tamara, and felt like I had already seen pretty much everything that I wanted to see there. Don't get me wrong, it is a fascinating country and I have ... Read more >

Tags: archaeology, coral, debate, locals, snorkelling

Photos: 11 Cyprus

CYPRUS | Friday, 15 Apr 2016 | Photo Gallery

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CYPRUS | Friday, 15 Apr 2016 | Views [969] | Comments [1]

If there is a land that I have been exposed to most without ever having visited it must be the tormented paradise of Cyprus. Tamara is one quarter Cypriot and her Yaya (Greek for grandmother) is a passionate full blooded Cypriot. In addition my cousin-... Read more >

Tags: culture, cyprus, genealogy, generosity

Photos: 10 Kiwi Summer

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 30 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

Two months in New Zealand
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Kiwi Summer

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 30 Mar 2016 | Views [946] | Comments [1]

With the onset of the Northern winter we decided to visit the world's best country for tourists ( Telegraph Magazine for the past four years ). At first it seemed a ridiculous prospect - to take a holiday from our journey on the other side of the world ... Read more >

Tags: beach, family, friends, hospitality, kiwi summer, on the road

Photos: 09 England

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 30 Jan 2016 | Photo Gallery

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UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jan 2016 | Views [1042] | Comments [1]

Until this point our travel choices have all been about places. Our time in England though was precious for the people and events that we were able to share with them, including each of my parents' birthdays as well as Christmas and the New Year. ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, family, friends, london, nottingham


NORWAY | Wednesday, 23 Dec 2015 | Views [872] | Comments [2]

"Let's go to somewhere to experience a genuinely cold Christmas!" When sitting in New Zealand this suggestion would get short shrift but when in England surrounded by budget airlines it becomes a possibility very rapidly. We had a hunt through some ... Read more >

Tags: frost, northern lights, short break, winter christmas

North African Adventure

MOROCCO | Wednesday, 23 Dec 2015 | Views [1266] | Comments [1]

There is something very satisfying about arriving in Africa on a ship. It harkens back to a more graceful age of travel when ocean liners were the norm and the minimum baggage allowance would be three sturdy trunks and a full length mirror. We had booked ... Read more >

Tags: desert, road trip, sunsets, trekking

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