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streets of glue (rose)

EGYPT | Sunday, 16 January 2011 | Views [977] | Comments [2]

I won't call it a new year's resolution, as that would mean it had been broken before it had even begun, it being mid-January already somehow (where do the days go?) but I do intend to write this blog more often in 2011. I manage most day to find time to sit, meditate, stretch, cook something nice, do some work, learn some new Arabic words, have a meeting or go to a yoga class, dive, reply to emails, check facebook, and even write my diary, but sitting down and catching up on this site just hasn't been a priority.

But the times they are a-changin' and we'll soon be on the road again, scratching our itchy feet (plus we're getting more than a few inquisitive emails as to our whereabouts and movements) so we'd best let you know what's going on.

Our mates in Brighton know how prolonged our UK departure was. Well, history appears to be repeating itself here in Dahab - we love the place - and the people - so much, it's been hard to leave. Another town with streets of glue.

After our epic desert trip with the Sand Rovers back in November, we spent a few days in Cairo hanging out with Egyptian friends and 'doing the tourist thing' at the Pyramids, the souk, and the Egyptian Museum, which I adored and spent hours in, swotting up, making notes and sketches of pieces that caught my eye.

But when we returned to Dahab it really felt like we were 'coming home'.

So much here reminds me of Brighton - the happy hippie vibe, the colourful handmade ramshackleness of it all, the sea - but of course, as always, it's about the people. The El Salam yoga family, our neighbours, our fellow barmen at Blue Beach, our friends from Dive Urge, Bedouin Moon, Adventure Spot, Poseidon... Khaled the (very talented) artist and his family...

Yet again, stopping somewhere long enough to get to know a community has confirmed that the world is a beautiful place filled with pure, generous, life-affirming souls.

We're tying up our loose ends, saying our goodbyes, and looking forward to our friends Graeme and Valesca's wedding in 10 days, then we'll be out of excuses - onwards and upwards to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey...

On a practical note, any overlanders out there may be wondering how we've managed to stay in Egypt over 6 months without overstaying our visas. We ourselves have been out and in again, and got extensions whenever necessary, but of course the truck's paperwork has been another matter. (Incidentally, 'the truck' is now, finally, several months in, officially named WANDA!)

There was no extending Wanda's visa beyond the 6 months however, and we risked having her impounded if she overstayed her welcome by just one day. So once the decision was made to stay for just...one...more...month, just before I skipped off to Zanzibar at Christmas for a trip down memory lane (more about that in another blog probably), Huw then had to remove her from the country, and return on foot. So Wanda is currently sat, all lonesome, in a campsite near Aqaba in Jordan, safe and sound inshallah, until we return to pick her up and drive her off.

More stories and photos at our website www.thelongandwinding.co.uk



Don't stop blogging Rose. I would to hear more about your adventures.

  Raavi Jan 24, 2011 6:30 PM


sounds great , hope you do not have any trouble in Egypt,It all sounds very worrying. HAVE a safe journey

Regards Ann and Robert Cooper

  Robert and Ann Feb 2, 2011 3:47 AM

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