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The Hutchie's Am-asian Adventures

Och Thai the noo!

THAILAND | Wednesday, 10 January 2007 | Views [3528] | Comments [19]

Grand Palace. Not so grand sunglasses.

Grand Palace. Not so grand sunglasses.

Greetings to you all and a Happy New Year too! We hope you are all well and had a great festive break. We write from an internet cafe in Bangkok, which has been an amazing (am-asian, just in case you missed it earlier, repeat until funny) place to start the adventure. We'll keep this brief for now, as it's too darn sunny outside to be sitting at a computer (woops that may have sounded a bit gloaty....em it's not that nice really, balmy you might say). Anyway, the highlights thus far have included a gutbusting performance from Thai Elvis in a Patpong bar, the Wat Phra Kaew/Grand Palace in Bangkok (where Anthony was asked to cover his legs up and was given a pair of tight fitting trews so as not to cause offence. This was part of being respectful in the temple and nothing to do with the glare from his milk bottle legs.) He also got a massage in the temple, which was strange because he asked for a foot massage! Bo-boom. We have also had some quality relaxation on the island of Ko Samet. Jeannot has been working up a tan and has the white bits to prove it, while Anthony is still one big white bit. We've got lots of cool photos to share, but so far no opportunity to post them, but we'll let you know when we've updated the blog. In the meantime, take it easy and have fun folks and as they say in these parts Lia Suhn Hao-y (Goodbye or Cheers the noo).

Tags: Adventures



How great to hear from you guys! I knew there was no way those legs would turn golden, no wonder you were asked to cover up.
The Thai influence hasn't improved you repertoire of funnies in the slightest but keep trying. Good health and wishes to both of you. Take care. Debbie x

  Debbie Knight Jan 10, 2007 8:11 PM


As the great Sir Alex might say, I'm 'pwoud, pwoud, very very pwoud', to read the first of the Hutchie blogs. One wee request, can you buy me some fake student id from the Khao San Road please? It means I can get a discount at the Odeon...thanks!

  Rajan Malhotra Jan 10, 2007 8:56 PM


Great to hear from you, not jealous in the least. We missed you for a while, but have another gorgeous man starting in a week or so - not that I had anything to do with the selection, you understand.......
And from one Celt to another, don't worry about the tan - stay pale and interesting is my advice. Too many frecles and I just end up looking like Sissy Spacek (?) anyway! Take care and enjoy. Love to Janno too!xx

  Melissa Jan 10, 2007 9:56 PM


Hi guys, good to hear from you and happy new year! You'll no doubt be pleased to hear that me and Kieran managed to run rather drunkenly along the length of Argyll Street in sub-10 seconds in order to catch our train after your leaving do in a manner not seen since the university days. The trip sounds great of course - and has cast me back into my own post-trip depression - but I must admit I am left somewhat puzzled as to who is the mystery narrator or 'auteur' of your initial post. With references to both 'Anthony' and 'Jeannot' in the text, have you employed some kind of Thai slave to work as a third person chronicler? And does he share Anthony's sense of humour??

  Stewart Fisher Jan 10, 2007 10:22 PM


Jeannot you crack me up. Very jealous, sounds amazing. Guess what, Daniela is definitely going to be on Kerry's show about rich people having to become homeless and literally live on the streets with nada. Can't wait for that one. Keep enjoying yourselves, Shakira Shakira. xx

  Anna Brent Jan 10, 2007 11:14 PM


Great to hear from you Anthony. Sorry I missed your last day at KRPS - had a sick child at home to contend with. Also sad that I missed your leaving drink with the rest of the staff had to pack to go to Copenhagen - not nearly as glamorous as your 1st destination but lovely all the same. I'm so jealous! Take care and have fun. Denice x

  Denice Wells Jan 10, 2007 11:40 PM


Hello! It's so lovely to hear from you - and it's not at all soul destroying that the weather has been abominable for the last week - it is in fact raining and blowing a gale as I type (sadly the summer sun has long gone - no swimming in the sea for us now). Oh well, I guess we had Canada and Alaska, so we can't complain! Glad to hear you both got there safely and I think the blog is a brilliant idea. Wish we'd got to see you before you went, but that's what we get for moving to the deepest depths of Cornwall. We didn't make it to Scotland at all over Christmas - but Lizzie and Nik did come to visit us over New Year - it was good to see some Scots! Everything is still going really well down here - lots of love to you both from us both. xxxx

P.S. Tony, the Cornish pasty photos from the wedding are going in the album

  Jennifer McConnell Jan 12, 2007 1:28 AM


Sunny outside? That is Greek to my ears I've been sat at inside for two hours and haven't even taken my anorak off yet! Luck yous I'm very jealous..and bring on those puns. Does the personal Thai scribe- slave enjoy "blame the fart on a squeaky floor board"gag!? Continue to have a wonderful time I look forward to the next update. Lots of love to you both (even tho I've not even had the pleasure you yet Jeanott- tho hopefully sometime North of the boarder when you're back!) Laters innit blud x x

  Rhona Jan 12, 2007 4:34 AM


alwight big man ,whats the crack good to here from you , glad your topping up your lobster tan, probably looking as good as usual , hope your keeping well mate. all the best to you and jeannot by for now p x

  tall pete Jan 12, 2007 8:16 AM


You have no idea how those jokes cheered us up - no, really you have NO idea. I'm still trying to work out how I'm just up the road from Manchester and yet you saw Henrick's first goal for ManU before me. Must be something to do with us working and you not. I know that you don't want to make a big thing of the "not working" so I won't mention it again. Going for lunch with Fiona & Gerry on Saturday and will pick up the Ka. Really missing you both. Post the photos soon. Love Nun & Dod xx

  Chrissie&John Jan 12, 2007 9:07 AM



Well, we thought that we might join you both and treck to the other side of the world as our milk bottles need some attention!!
But, alas we can not quite make it to Asia but have decided on OZ instead!
look us up if you get the desire to join us!!
Enjoy your travels...watch out for the Thai bars!!

  Tina Jan 13, 2007 5:39 AM


Aloha Hutchies, lovin your work!

Sorry I couldn't be at your Glasgow leaving night, but I did fall asleep at the wedding in your honour! Really jealous of your travels, especially back here in cold, windy Brixton - and on a month of self-enforced sobriety no less!

Big T wil be pleased to here that the Couch are still riding high, with 7 wins out of 7 and a goals for column of 88. That works an average of 11 goals a game with only zzzzzzzzzzzz

Sorry Jeannie, i'll let you get back to the great outdoors and away from this computer. Looking forward to the next blog, and after the confusion over the last one's author, may i suggst Dick Knocker writes it?


  Pip McGroovy Jan 13, 2007 10:27 AM


Glad you've made it so far hope the bugs aren't still biting! xx

  Elsi and Jo Jan 14, 2007 3:18 AM


Memories of our honeymoon are flooding back - sun, sea, massages, lady boys...

Lesley and John-Paul

  Lesley Jan 15, 2007 8:04 PM


Hello wee Nairns!

Loving hearing about your adventures in the sun - the comedy is seeing me through this grey January!
Hope you've had the opportunity to become fashion gurus by wearing the headtorch with pride - it is cool, honest!
Am off to find myself a pair of those shiny trousers! xx

  Sarah Binns Jan 15, 2007 11:44 PM


Did not realise you had already left. Thought it was 31st January. Glad to hear everything Ok. Have fun. Loads of love and take care.

  Margaret & Ronnie Petrie Jan 16, 2007 2:06 AM


Greetings nairn and Mr nairn . Wow thailand looks amazing - keep the blog coming its defintely cheering up a rather grotty january! One small update on the pregnancy news - its identical twins! Buy on get one free I guess - I am fast turning into a small bus ! Were are you off to next ? Lots of love cas ( and dennis of course) xxx

  Cassie Jan 16, 2007 7:52 AM


Hi Chums,
We are very jealous, looks like you are having a great time and definately not sluming it too much.
I am still trying to persuade Andrew to take me on an exotic holiday, but apparently that weekend at your flat was as exotic as it gets. Well, we did get luxury muesli?!?!
Good choice of book Jeannot, hope you are enjoying it - Squishy-squashy, flippy-floppy - Ha ha ha
Have fun peeps, and keep us posted.
Caro & Andy

  Caro & Andy Jan 17, 2007 8:00 AM


Terrific read - certainly beats my 2007 diary. Keep up the good work!

Lots of love and take care.

The Muldies

  Nan Feb 16, 2007 5:14 AM

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