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Julie and Craig's sailing trip

Antigua to St Lucia

SAINT LUCIA | Monday, 7 February 2011 | Views [701] | Comments [1]

Hello again from Hullabaloo in St Lucia in the Caribbean,

Since the last update Kristen and Matt have been aboard with us for a few weeks of cruising from Antigua south to Guadeloupe, Isles de Saintes, Dominica, Martinique,and St Lucia.  Matt caught a flight back to Mexico from Dominica and Kristen flew out of St Lucia to Melbourne a few days ago.

We had an awesome time with the kids and have been surprised by these islands.  Generally it takes about 6 to 8 hours to sail from one island to the other.  So far each island has been totally different with it`s own culture, language and landscape.  From English to French to local and from white sandy beaches with huge superyachts and a large tourism industry to islands dominated by rainforest without many tourists.  Dominica was perhaps the biggest surprise so far with much of the island covered by lush rainforest, dozens of different fruits and vegetables, mountains, 365 rivers, waterfalls, hot springs and beaches.  Not very developed and like something out of Jurassic Park.  You expected a teredactol or brontasuras to appear out of the jungle.

We are currently in a marina in Rodney Bay, St Lucia having a few things done to Hullabaloo including the addition of solar and wind power.  The marina here is huge and is where many boats that cross the Atlantic make landfall. We have been having a very social time here meeting many people and also catching up with some that we met on the other side of the Atlantic.  Everyone has something in common so the converstion flows easily.

From here we will head further South in about a week through the Grenadines to Grenada and then around the end of March across the Caribbean sea via the ABC islands off Venezuela and Columbia to Panama.  

Check out the new photo gallery to get a feel of what we have been up to.

Cheers for now,

Craig and Julie




Hi Jules and Craig
It looks amazing. Wonderful to see Kris and Matt with you., everyone looks so happy.
How exciting for you all.
All is well here, Queensland is still suffering from its disasters, very sad. We were so lucky it didn't hit us. Paul is very busy with his new job, lots of travel. He's actually in Melbourne tonight and will be catching up with Webby and Belinda.
Will finish now. Keep happy and safe you lucky buggers!
Much Love Rosina

  Rosina Feb 10, 2011 7:39 PM



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