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Europizing Shenanigans

Roaming Rome

ITALY | Sunday, 21 June 2009 | Views [617] | Comments [4]




Well I've been in Rome for... 4 or 5 days now. Been nice.

My first full day... I slept. And ate cereal.

My second full day... I went to the Roman ruins - the Collosseum, Circus Maximus, the Palatine, the Forum. Enjoyable.

My third full day... I went to the Vatican. Queued up for ages to get into St. Peter's... got to the front of the line... they told me they were closing, come back in 5 hours. I come back in 5 hours... wait for ages... get to the front... they tell me it's a special event, invitation only.

But I did see the Musei Vaticani, which was spectacular. The Sistine Chapel (inside the museum) was nice, but for me the highlight was the painting galleries... which were almost deserted.

Today, I went on a walk around Rome at random... saw a lot of neat things, most notable the Pantheon. Gorgeous. I had no idea that it was so huge... I was very impressed.

Tomorrow, Florence!

I have overheard two very amusing things in Rome:

1. American girl walking out of the Roman Forum, says to her friend "I don't think I'd like to live in the Roman times, the religion would be too weird. I think I'd prefer to live in the time of Jesus." Her friend nodded in approval.

2. Middle-aged American man walking out of Musei Vaticani, "Could have seen that shit in a picture book at home".

I had a gelati today which was very good.

I enjoyed seeing the sights of Rome, but I am glad to be leaving. I am not that fond of this city, I am looking forward eagerly to Florence.

PS. I swear, only in Italy is the crowning glory of the national monument a coffee shop...

The Colosseum

The Colosseum



And I'm sure that Florence will be thrilled to see you! Glad that you've recovered from your nightmare journey. Have you been living on Pizza ?

  Jane Dallyn Jun 22, 2009 2:07 AM


I have eaten... a lot... of pizza.

And cereal.

Interestingly, the best pizza I have had so far was in Rome train station. It was fantastic.

  HTAPAWASO Jun 22, 2009 9:08 AM


So glad to see that you finally got out and about!
I hope you can get up early enough in Florence to join a queue (almost as long as the one at the Vatican) to see the Michelangelo statues at the Galleria dell'Accademia in the San Marco area in the north of the city. There are also amazing paintings in the Uffizi which we were sorry not to have time to see.
We had fantastic lasagna somewhere near there.
LOL G'ma & G'pa

  Gill Mitra Jun 24, 2009 5:54 PM


Well of course I have already seen all the galleries from my trip to Florence last year - I did not feel like spending my one day in Florence waiting in line for 7 hours!

Also, everything is closed on a Monday. Which was good in fact, because most people go on day trips to Pisa or Siena, so the city was comparably empty.

  HTAPAWASO Jun 24, 2009 7:39 PM

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