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Southeast Asia 2014

We're just having too much fun!

VIETNAM | Monday, 24 February 2014 | Views [276]

Hi friends and family!

Sorry that it's been so long since I have posted but we are clearly just having too much fun that I don't have time to keep up on the blog ;) Also, maybe, a little bit of laziness has been involved. Nonetheless, we all have so much to talk about and share!! We are currently traveling down the coast of Vietnam and are loving every second of it! From Bangkok, we traveled to northen Thailand, to Laos and to Vietnam, where we currently reside. We are moving pretty quickly through different towns and regions as we have only 3 months to cover a rather large and diverse amount of the world that we wish to discover. However, we have not left any destination before feeling ready to do so, and still have so much to look forward to. It's hard to believe that we are almost already halfway through our journey. For about the first 2 weeks, we all agreed that time was passing at a perfect pace; going by neither too fast nor too slow. I still have a very pleasant feeling about where we are at on our adventure, but it most certainly feels as though time is speeding up. I have been doing a lot of journaling, so I am going to share with you some of our most loved and of course, some of our not such enjoyable moments. We have been dealing with difficulty regarding uploading photos onto this blog site so we have instead just been posting up pictures on facebook. I know that some people don't do the facebook thing, so if you do not and still wish to view our photos, please let us know and we can arrange something else. Otherwise, check out the facebook pages of 1 or all 3 of us by requesting us to be your friend if that is not already the case. You can find us all on facebook with our full names.

Betsy LeClair

Robin Palmer

Chris Kreuger


<3 Betsy

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