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Southeast Asia 2014


There are [0] photos and [3] stories about Vietnam


Sunday, 2 Mar 2014 | Views [260] | Comments [1]

The last big stop in Vietnam for us! The capital city of Ho Chi Minh (or as I prefer to call it by it's old name, Saigon). Let me start by saying that even though I am totally a small town girl through and through, every couple years I absolutely have ... Read more >

Hoi An!

Sunday, 2 Mar 2014 | Views [738]

Where to start with Hoi An? This beach town halfway down the coast of Vietnam has taken the prize of being my favorite town thus far on the entire trip and for so many reasons. Being the first official warm, tropical beach town of our trip made it an ... Read more >

We're just having too much fun!

Monday, 24 Feb 2014 | Views [275]

Hi friends and family! Sorry that it's been so long since I have posted but we are clearly just having too much fun that I don't have time to keep up on the blog ;) Also, maybe, a little bit of laziness has been involved. Nonetheless, we all have ... Read more >



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