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Southeast Asia 2014

Traveling to Southeast Asia.

THAILAND | Monday, 27 January 2014 | Views [602]

28 hours of traveling?! Yea, it's pretty much as bad as it sounds. Robin and I flew from Denver->Vancover->Beijing->Bangkok. It took a full day and with the time change, super exhausting. Totally worth it though! We finally made it to Bangkok around midnight on Sunday night. Customs and all that went super smooth,; if you're staying in Thailand for 30 or less days at a time, you get a visa exemption meaning you pay nothing and you can pretty much just walk into the country. Feeling super wired yet ecstatic at this point, we hopped in a cab and got dropped off at a hostel where we thought we had a room. No such luck but fortunately we were close enough to walk to Khao San Road which is a huge touristy area in Bangkok with endless cheap accommodation. When we got there, the energy was so exciting that we decided to put off getting a room until the morning and we posted up at a bar to watch the Broncos game. We got a room early the next morning and settled in to the crazy city. We turned our passports in to get our Vietnamese visas because you can't get them on arrival there. We also booked a 3 day trek by Chiangmai which turned out to be awesome! We spent about 3 days in Bangkok exploring temples, eating awesome street food and shopping. Everything is so cheap! When it was time to hop on our night bus for chiangmai, we were definitely ready to leave the city!! Robin and I were both a little sick from traveling so getting up into the mountains has made us feel a lot better :) the bus ride to chiangmai was 12 hours and freeeezing! We got to experience out first squat toilets at the rest areas... Knarley!!! Not sure if I'm ever going to get used to those but definitely learned quick to always carry tp wherever you go! We have already met so many awesone fellow travelers from around the world. Not many Americans, mostly Europeans, but people from all over! The vibe over here is so sweet. So many smiles! it really is easy to live in the now, relax and just be a happy you :)

<3 Betsy

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