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The Saga of Heather's Travels ... the story of a dream come true

Trip: South East Asia

There are [43] stories from my trip: South East Asia

Good Night Vietnam

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 26 May 2010 | Views [607] | Comments [2]

Hello again after a long delay. I have found the internet in Vietnam very inferior, I am not able to upload photos easily, and can get online only sometimes. Some websites are blocked, all in all internet use is pretty censored here, so have been discouraged ... Read more >

On the road, heading north....

VIETNAM | Thursday, 15 Apr 2010 | Views [757] | Comments [3]

Here I am again, now in Nha Trang Vietnam, Since my last blog I have seen a number of interesting places, Vietnam is so different to Cambodia, so much more developed, no comment on whether that is better or worse! I spent a fairly long period in Ho ... Read more >

Photos: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Sunday, 21 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Good Morning Vietnam!!

VIETNAM | Sunday, 21 Mar 2010 | Views [613] | Comments [4]

Since Katie returned to New Zealand, I have crossed another border, and am now in Vietnam, wow, Vietnam!! This is where this whole trip started from, my desire to see Vietnam. It sorta grew to encompass so many other countries, but Vietnam was my goal, ... Read more >

Photos: Siem Reap and Battembang

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 25 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

3 weeks with Katie
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Adventures with Katie

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 25 Feb 2010 | Views [644] | Comments [2]

Finally I have found some time to update the blog. Life has been full on for last couple of weeks since my friend Katie arrived from New Zealand to spend 3 weeks with me. What a joy it was to meet her at Phnom Penh airport, and take her back into this ... Read more >

Photos: Watopot

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 26 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Wat Opot

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 26 Jan 2010 | Views [1962] | Comments [1]

At last I am able to access the internet, and tell my story! Such a special one about an amazing place. I have spent the last week at Watopot, a very special health community in rural Cambodia, about an hour out of Phnom Penh. I am volunteering here ... Read more >

Photos: Family time

INDIA | Friday, 1 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

My babies again
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Goodbye Lao Hello Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Friday, 1 Jan 2010 | Views [911] | Comments [1]

It seems so long since I last updated, so here goes to bring the world up to date with my comings and goings! I finished my time in Vientiane very happily after meeting up again with Sigrid, whom I first met on the Plain of Jars trip. We had such a ... Read more >

Photos: Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Friday, 1 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Rest of Lao

LAOS | Friday, 1 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Great times in Lao

LAOS | Monday, 30 Nov 2009 | Views [698] | Comments [3]

Recovery from that boat trip took a few days of sitting in gorgeous cafes in Luang Prabang sipping wine, and browsing at the night bazaar! This cute wee town is just captivating, and I had such a peaceful nice time there, just wandering around visiting ... Read more >

Photos: Lao PDR/ The Plain of Jars

LAOS | Monday, 30 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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The story of my most eventful journey....

LAOS | Saturday, 21 Nov 2009 | Views [1072] | Comments [4]

Well I always said I liked adventure, and I've just experienced the 2 most challenging days of my travels so far! I have survived it, and in hindsight, it was great fun! It started with an early morning pickup from guesthouse in ChiangRai, to go to ... Read more >

Gallery: THAT boat trip!

LAOS | Saturday, 21 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Last days in Thailand......

THAILAND | Monday, 16 Nov 2009 | Views [673] | Comments [1]

Hello there again, I am back in the far north of Thailand after leaving Malaysia, and having a lovely week in Singapore with my family. We celebrated my elder grandaughter, Eva's 1st birthday on the 6th November, and it was a very special time for me.... Read more >

Gallery: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 14 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

Just hanging out being a Nana
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Perhentian Islands and the North East Coast of Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Views [1000] | Comments [2]

Here I am back at last, for the last week or more I have had only brief and expensive access to the internet, and not on my laptop, no wifi where I was. It has been an interesting time, as I had been looking forward with great anticipation to seeing ... Read more >

Gallery: Perhentians and Kota Bahru

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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