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There are [122] photos and [15] stories about Georgia

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Photos: Khevsureti to Tusheti 13 day trek

Saturday, 11 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

trekking from Juta, via the villages of Akhieli, Amgha, then passing Mount Tanizi and onto the Khevsureti ridgeline and via Kistani to the head of the Chanchakhi valley. Back up to the ridgeline and over the Andaki pass, down into the Tushetis Alazani, ... Read more >
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she wore a raaaaspberry beret

Monday, 23 Aug 2010 | Views [489]

An eagle soars overhead, carefully scoping the landscape for a suitable feast. In parallel we scan the berry bushes for luscious red jewels that hang ever-so sweetly awaiting our pluck. we gorge on rasperries by the handful. they cover the slopes like ... Read more >

Tags: berries, trekking

Intruder alert

Saturday, 21 Aug 2010 | Views [451]

we are voyeurs. we walk alone, stumbling upward on the troubled path, watching the horizon with deference, not knowing where the end lies. we are voyeurs. we chance upon an empty hut, fire recently cold, the still air an aroma of sheep and dog and sweaty ... Read more >

Tags: shepherds, trekking

The hands on this Chechnyan could swallow a cabbage

Saturday, 21 Aug 2010 | Views [523]

In our first human contact for a week we find ourselves this morning in the company of a team, a troupe, a barrel of steamy shepherds. nearing the camp we contemplate which method to use to get past the dogs. Griet paws their ferocity with indifference, ... Read more >

Tags: shepherds, trekking

In a side-stepped world

Thursday, 19 Aug 2010 | Views [592]

We struggle and strut through a steeplechase of descending slopes. Age-old Defensive Towers built of stone and labour dot the landscape like lonesome lovers, their pact unbroken yet crumbled through centuries of wear. We peer into Kistani village, revealing ... Read more >

Tags: trekking

Livin' on The Edge

Monday, 16 Aug 2010 | Views [737]

The grey moisture-laden skies that gave way to a glistening pastel sunset the night before have blossomed and slice the morning silence with surgical precision. For the next two days we will walk on a knife's edge; a razor-sharp warping that has bludgeoned ... Read more >

Tags: khevsureti ridge, mt tanizi, trekking

don't you go out in the rain

Saturday, 14 Aug 2010 | Views [454]

a map, holding promised trails and rising slopes that have long since swallowed the path. latent optimism at finding a way out amongst the hungry mountains. a fire, recently cold, crumbles under the dripping sky. walking in shepherds trails, following ... Read more >

Tags: trekking

whatever you do, don't mention the war

Thursday, 12 Aug 2010 | Views [537]

the second day into our trek and the views over our first pass open to yield a panorama worthy of a Karate Kid prequel. i could sense my brain Waxing Off as we sat for an hour at the top, gazing out across blue skies where the mountains are bathed in ... Read more >

Tags: kazbegi, trekking

Born from an Egg on a Mountaintop

Tuesday, 10 Aug 2010 | Views [1184]

and with thoughts flying across snow-capped peaks on a fluffy cloud still lingering, i'm back from another jaunt. like the adventures of TinTin, or Calvin and Hobbs, or even our beloved Monkey Magic, the next series of escapades would not be complete ... Read more >

Tags: trekking

Photos: Kakheti, Georgia

Sunday, 1 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

wine country, Georgia
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Loti: A Supra in a Cemetery

Thursday, 1 Jul 2010 | Views [427]

Arriving in a new place, I initiate the customary wander through town, and chance upon the cemetery.  I have a soft spot for ambling through such overlooked establishments; cemeteries speak volumes to how societies view themselves.  Neat trimmings and ... Read more >

Tags: cemetery, supra

Photos: Samsari Ridge

Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

trekking Samsari ridge
See all 13 photos >>

Tags: trekking

I wake up in the morning

Thursday, 24 Jun 2010 | Views [761]

and i raise my weary head......I got an old coat for a pillow, and the earth was last night's bed........I don't know where i'm going, only God knows where i've been.......I'm a devil on the run, a six-gun lover, a candle in the wind..............Well, ... Read more >

Tags: trekking

Got wood?

Monday, 14 Jun 2010 | Views [673]

I hear about this place in the mountains when a fellow traveller quips "So I have a question for you, if you're a trekker, why the HELL are you not going to Svaneti?". well, a lack of guidebook sometimes means you need these tips, my friend.... Read more >

Tags: mestia, svaneti, trekking

Marco? Polo!

Tuesday, 1 Jun 2010 | Views [642]

Meandering on foot, the best way to travel I feel as everything just moves to damned fast otherwise, the battered asphalt road in Turkey is transformed to a bruised and beaten dirt road in Georgia. The Guard at passport control suggests "Now we ... Read more >



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