USA | Monday, 25 May 2015 | Views [413]
Texas is a land of juxtapositions. Of fresh bright Mexican foods, and fried fried fried Southern food. Of $500 leather cowboy boots and novelty sombreros. Of cheap fuel and cars as big as caravans. I found it difficult to really grasp the cultural existence ... Read more >
Tags: food, roadtrip, texas, usa
PUERTO RICO | Monday, 25 May 2015 | Views [206] | Scholarship Entry
When you reach the doors of the trans-Atlantic plane, Puerto Rico greets you with a flush of warm, bright air. It's not the heat that makes the vein on your forehead appear - it's a comforting kind of heat - the kind of feeling you get from one too many ... Read more >
Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship