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The Orphanage Experience The Orphanage Exeperience is a non profit initiative, to take fun, educational & sustainable activities vital for a childs development to children in orphanages across the world. 2005 sees the Orphanage Experience off to Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand.

When Tourism Goes Bad

LAOS | Tuesday, 24 Jan 2006 | Views [2810] | Comments [5]

  After 2 days of being on the backs of trucks, tuk tuks, buses, slow boats and speed boats I have finally made it to Thailand from Laos in one piece. Bung foot in stride looking like a leper due to my barefoot meandering around backwater Laos, was ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

Gallery: Laos - sightseeing

LAOS | Sunday, 15 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Phouc Phouc

VIETNAM | Thursday, 12 Jan 2006 | Views [1166] | Comments [3]

'Nothing to see here, doing to do', is what the Lonely Planet describes Quang Ngai the beautiful city in central Vietnam as. Due to most travelers being by the book, as in the bible book LP, Quang Ngai remains to this day as a path off the tourist trail ... Read more >

Tags: People

Serendipity to Genocide

CAMBODIA | Monday, 12 Dec 2005 | Views [1365] | Comments [2]

Wow! we finally managed to leave Serendipity behind today - catching the 7.00am bus out of town by a cat’s whisker. Serendipity is like the Hotel 0f California - such a lovely place, but a complete vortex - making it really hard to leave. As most of ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Susaday from Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 10 Dec 2005 | Views [1611]

We are about to embark on the first orphanage, The Peaceful Childrens home just out of Phnom Pehn in about 2 days, - nerves, excitment and just really a slight feeling of the unknown. Our week travelling in Cambodia has been amazing, and the people increibly ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

Help- Road to orphanage washed out!

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 24 Nov 2005 | Views [1208]

With only a week to go, there is still much to get done,  but i think we are ready, got the booster jabs, the visas, so now just got to get there. Part of the long terrm plan for The Orphanage Experience is to build a trust to act as a safety net ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Gallery: The Orphanage Experience

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 23 Nov 2005 | Photo Gallery

Quang Ngai
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Welcome to The Orphanage Experience

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 23 Nov 2005 | Views [4971] | Comments [8]

Remember making pirates hats out of old newspapers? Flying a kite made from sticks and magazines? I bet you do. But thousands of kids don’tNo matter where in the world, kids are kids. Working with children in India I was making trains and crocodiles ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

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