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Curly and Gay´s Grand Adventure Two dumb blondes traveling to find sun, fun and flirts!

Nah Trang... Part two!

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 4 February 2009 | Views [453] | Comments [6]

Kiddi is not only a rock star but he is also a superstar! A SCUBA DIVING SUPERSTAR!  As it turns out he LOVES scuba diving and he is very good at it! I on the other hand am not a scuba diving superstar! I hated it! I didn't like the breathing underwater thing! I I hated taking the regulator (breathing thing) out of my mouth under water, getting water in my mask and not being able to hold proper balance in the water. So therefore Kiddi is out on an Island now swimming with fish, turtles and sharks and I'm here writing to you (Who would have thought that I needed to have more weights added so that I would sink in the swimming pool?????).
It used to be quite cool to be from Iceland but now we either get answers like "ahh" and a sympathetic look or "so and so lost money from investing in the Icelandic banks!!" and an angry look.  Kiddi and I joked on the train to Kastrup airport that we should change our identity on the trip. He wanted to be Swedish underwear model and I was going to be a Human Rights Lawyer from Scotland (Kiddi did add thought, that I should make it more believable so I should just tell people that I was human?????).  So now we just have to find new names! I'm obviously going to be a MacGregor (nothing to do with Ian). Isla MacGregor it is? I wonder what name Kiddi will chose? Emil, Jens, Sigurd or Sven?
Kiddi and I have already broken the law! We were lucky that we didn't get thrown into jail in Thailand. You see, it's illegal to bring playing cards into the country! Imagine if we had got caught? We would have been sent to jail, we would have spent years protesting that someone had else had put the cards in our rucksacks, a handsome lawyer would take the case (and he would either fall in love with me or Kiddi. Preferably me???) and we would finally get released. We would sell the movie rights and Dawn French would play me and Victoria Beckham (who else)  would play Kiddi. Talking about Vicky, I can do a fab impression of her now!
Kiddi and I have gotten on pretty well on the trip! I just ignore comments like "I thought Halong Bay was amazing but it was a shame that you spoilt the view"? og "Pu ert eins og mella med bleygju a hausnum".
Over and out from the Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Cover Girls!



híhíhí, skemmtilegt blogg :D ég kalla þig nú góða að prófa "skúba-dýfingarnar", ég hefði sko aldrei fengist til þess.. hafiði ekki séð jaws??

  heba Feb 4, 2009 8:03 PM


Vá en skemmtilegt, hver hefði trúað því að Kiddi ætti eftir að finna sig svona neðansjávar með grímu fyrir andlitinu!!
Fáiði í alvöru viðbrögð við að vera frá Íslandi?? Þið ættuð þá deffinetly að skipta um þjóðerni, líst rosa vel á mrs. McGregor, finnst það vel valið!! Og ég held að Kiddi gæti alveg sloppið með Svíann... veit ekki alveg með nærfatamódel... þarf maður ekki að hafa ra.... bara spurning???
Æðislegt að þið séuð að njóta ykkar, haldið því áfram!!

  María Feb 5, 2009 1:12 AM


Þú mátt þó eiga það að þú setur inn hörku bloggfærslu á meðan Kiddi er að hræða hákarlana í sjónum. Gaman að þessu :)
Keep up the good fun,
kv. Eva

  Eva Feb 5, 2009 1:13 AM


dettur i hug myndin Along came Polly
þegar talað er um skúbadýfingar

  mamma Feb 5, 2009 3:17 AM


gunna mín segðu honum bara að skikka sér haganlega annars????

  mamma Feb 5, 2009 3:21 AM



  Gunnhildur Feb 6, 2009 7:45 AM



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