August 24, 2008
Utter Chaos at the Harbour.
August is high season for tourism in
Tangier. I woke up this am, wandered down to the Ferry terminal and
bought my ticket for Algercieras, Spain. The prices have certainly
gone up since Christmas. A ticket used to be 38 Euros, now it is 50.
Neverthless, it is better than swimming! The border control area
was complete chaos. Moroccan nationals are sometimes denied passage
for the Euro zone due to bad paperwork or for a variety of other
reasons. Needless to say, these people are not very happy when this
happens. During my hour wait for the boat, I saw no more than two
very pissed off people having EXTREMELY heated arguments with Port
Staff and Immigration. All this action is actually quite normal in
these parts of the world. I just want to get the hell out of
here........I have done my time.
I look forward to Spain for a few days.
I am supposed to meet Janet (a former co worker from the ALC) in
Cordoba on Monday afternoon. Here I sit on the ship and wait to
leave for a more civilized part of the world. The weather is
beautiful and sunny, a perfect day for a boat ride to Europe.