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gizmojournal first tip out of europe for myself and lidia we plan to see some water and trees and stuff thats about it,,,,prob.spend my time fishing and canoeing,and shit...

Photos: Morocco

MOROCCO | Tuesday, 9 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: la molina spain

SPAIN | Tuesday, 19 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

braz 40th
See all 10 photos >>

Gallery: cuba

CUBA | Tuesday, 19 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

cuba feb 08
See all 54 photos >>

Gallery: mexico jan 08

MEXICO | Friday, 15 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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MEXICO | Monday, 21 Jan 2008 | Views [745] | Comments [4]

ok about time i wrote something well arrived cancun and enjoyed the first days a lot ,very mexican (we didnt venture anywhere near the big hotels) we stayed in cancun town and had to stay for 4 nights as we couldnt get flight to mexico city till monday(more ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

moving on

THAILAND | Saturday, 10 Mar 2007 | Views [784] | Comments [1]

ok ok i know i havent wrote to myself for some time but its busy you know being on holiday.! well what have we done,,,(prob. better to see photos than read this drivel),,,,,we stayed for a month on our paradise beach and did some isle hopping,,lots ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road


THAILAND | Friday, 9 Feb 2007 | Views [739]

ok no update for some time,basically cause we are lazy we are still at the same beach .its so nice and easy we cant leave only 6 euros a night and cheap bars ,food etc,,, its the cleanest and most picture perfect so what can we do ....today been arround ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

moved on

THAILAND | Saturday, 27 Jan 2007 | Views [578]

just quickly as always no time now in KOH PHA NGAN BEACH HAT YAO its the biz,,,,small beach ,rich corel and only 6 bars or so,,,very relaxed and clean we are in a beach hut 7mts from the beach ,with hamok and only 6 euros anight! left tother place ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


THAILAND | Friday, 19 Jan 2007 | Views [799]

well we traveled via overnight train ,bus, boat to koh samui and finally to Hat lamai...... basically a beach with jungle behind,,,,,the thing is the bach bars and tourists in general are sex tourists every second bar is go go style and lidia and i ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

bloody hell

THAILAND | Monday, 15 Jan 2007 | Views [632]

ok it took me ages but if you piss about with it you will find some photos...why people rage about comp. ive no idea...i hate computers even people who can use them seem to take ages and say ,just a minute, about twenty times ,,(games are good though ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Gallery: giz

THAILAND | Monday, 15 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 71 photos >>


THAILAND | Monday, 15 Jan 2007 | Views [685]

Tags: Snow

Gallery: thailandia

THAILAND | Monday, 15 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 35 photos >>


SPAIN | Friday, 12 Jan 2007 | Views [709]

still in bangkok and not going anywhere just yet . the prob.is we like it here but know that we have to move on soon. today i have just taken an old hippy shirt of mine to a tailors to make two new ones its a bit pricy but if my shirts are good then ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating


SPAIN | Thursday, 11 Jan 2007 | Views [719]

well traveled a long way ,lidia and i enjoyed the flight but no one told us about it being so cramped! thought we where on squeesyjet, yesterday had a cool first day ,arriving at 7am and taking a taxi to the road featured on the beach ,,,found a hostel ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline


SPAIN | Thursday, 21 Dec 2006 | Views [561]

leaving on the 9th of jan from barca to rome(iberia) then bankok(china air) then rtn on the 22nd march same route hopefully to find my flat the same as i left it

Tags: The Planning Phase

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