My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
Peru | Sunday, December 16, 2012 |
flickr photos
Travel and photography are my main two hobbies. To be able to do both at the same time is something I really enjoy. Life for me is about memories, and I try to capture these memories the best I can with pictures. After a lot of hard work and sacrifices, I have managed to get myself an SLR and travel extensively, documenting each place as I go a long, hoping too, that it will have an effect on others and inspire them, like my late Fathers pictures inspired me. I was taught as a child that travelling was one of the best ways to educate yourself, and I'm hoping to pass that on with my own stories and pictures. Someday in the next year or so, I want to visit local schools and tell my story to children who have never had the chance to see the real world, and show them that with hard work and a belief... you can live your dreams. To win this would not just be a personal achievement - but one in which I could share with others and help them live their dreams. I am a tough and determined enthusiast who would be perfect for this trip, and a joy to work with. An amateur photographer, experienced traveller, and all round good guy. And last but not least... willing to learn.
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