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Homeward Bound

Rain Rain, go to spain

INDIA | Sunday, 26 Oct 2008 | Views [383]

Well three days in Kolkata have been an experience indeed. The traffic, the beggars, the grime, the filth, the crazy looking street food, the sorry looking dogs, human pulled rickshaws, umpteen numbers of yellow taxis gunning for you in the street, smog, ... Read more >

Beeep Beep!! Stink Stink...

INDIA | Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [496] | Comments [1]

Wow, think I was gobsmacked for the entire taxi ride!! We have arrived in Calcutta after much trepidation and slight concerns that we would want to get the hell out after a few minutes! Thankfully its much more interesting that it is auful, so I think ... Read more >

Gallery: Hmm foreign places

THAILAND | Saturday, 18 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Flying Fans and Muddy Waters

LAOS | Wednesday, 8 Oct 2008 | Views [572]

"Vang Vieng Welcome".. The salutation from our bus driver all the way from Luang Prabang for 8 hours across bumpy roads, throught tiny villages up into the mountains, and then back down again on very windy roads! This journey was completed ... Read more >

Family of geckos required - must be willing to travel...

LAOS | Wednesday, 1 Oct 2008 | Views [451]

The mozzies have landed and made their arrival known, by making my legs nice and patchy! Ha, could be worse, Matt trapped his fingers in a door this afternoon on the boat and now has two purple fingernails and some lovely bruises come tomorrow most likely!! ... Read more >

Gallery: Temples and wot not

THAILAND | Monday, 22 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

From Bangkok North
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Heading North

THAILAND | Monday, 22 Sep 2008 | Views [587]

Still hot... We have spent a few days in Ayutthaya, aka "temple town" It is full of old ruins of temples, I think from 13th Century. They are all rather impressive, though unfortunatley most of the Buddhas have lost their heads, think they ... Read more >

Arrived in Bangkok!

THAILAND | Tuesday, 16 Sep 2008 | Views [374]

We arrived in Bangkok last night, very very tired. Took us about 24 hours hours of travelling to arrive here. We got a taxi into the city, the airport is HUGE! Aparently the 2nd biggest in the world now. Something like, 74 flights per hour landing ... Read more >

Gallery: South Island, the last bit

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 14 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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From Nelson Onwards

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 14 Sep 2008 | Views [577]

Well, this is a new way to share my stories! We left Nelson and headed back towards the West Coast for Kaikoura and the whale watching. Was a lovely drive over there and just outside Kaikoura was a place you could stop at the side of the road and have ... Read more >

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