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Rodrigo Llauro

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 5 photos

For the last 15 years I have been seeking to understand the world, culture, people. What I have learned is that life and culture can never be summarized in a few words. Something hides beneath the surface. This is what my photography aims to convey.

Culture can not be defined simply by listing traditions and customs. But as a silent medium photography can introduce us to characters, attitudes, settings, atmospheres and provide us with a moment to reflect on our human condition.

I cannot know all the innumerable lessons I would learn from Jason since I believe true learning is only possible through direct experience. I admire his patience and insight on his surroundings. However, I do know that this would be an incredible experience for growth as a person and a professional.

I hope to be chosen because I have a mission, because I am motivated, determined and believe in my work. My contribution and mission are to inspire empathy, curiosity and pride in human diversity. I cannot tell what the future holds but I do know that I will never stop learning from the masters and from those around me. I will never stop searching or fighting to show the beauty of this planet's diversity.

About garciallauro

A woman walks through the safe but unsettling city streets after another day's work.

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