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You're 'gonna miss me when I'm gone

POLAND | Tuesday, 22 April 2014 | Views [289] | Scholarship Entry

He has blue eyes. But by the starlight they seem absolutely green, reflecting unreal, fantastic light. We were on a house roof for the last time, on border with Slovakia. In this place Poland so close to Slovakia, that seems we could even catch another country by fingertips.

Krynitsa-Zdruy is the city covered with dense, a dark forest. At the beginning of September weather reminded the late November. It was cold outside, we exhaled warm steam and mentally saying goodbye to Poland.

I won't forget that day. Already absolutely dark, he held my hand. Stars are scattered as colorful confetti and the silence unusually "offended" ears.

He speaks with a slight Scottish accent, smiling as the child, throwing back the head back.

I will never forget that day. This place is forever linked with music and feelings. Since morning of walking on the stacked road, I was listening clatter of hoofs of horses.

On the streets of Poland all sing, play the guitar and remember Chopin's music. And Polish language is as the fresh, autumn rain, sounds softly in each narrow small street. " Dziekuje" - thanks – the locals say , giving a warm, heart-melting smile.

On that day, the sun shone brightly , vanilla ice cream for 10 zloty seemed the most delicious breakfast in the early morning. I stood in the middle of the street and I vividly remember the vanity, lovely stalls with souvenirs , ringing heavy coins, couples sitting, covered with a red blanket, the smell of flowers . Sure, it were white roses.

And in the evening , I sang our song from the American romantic comedy, knocking on a wooden balcony .

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round
The one with the prettiest of views
It's got mountains, it's got rivers
It's got sights to give you shivers
But it sure would be prettier with you

When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're 'gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're 'gonna miss me by my walk
You're gonna miss me by my talk
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

I will never forget this day - a day of indescribable peace and the spirit of travel . I'm pretty sure I am waiting for new discoveries on the way to happiness.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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