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2009-2012 - A South-East Asian Odyssey

Photos: A society wedding & KL trip

CAMBODIA | Monday, 23 Apr 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Happy new year (again)

CAMBODIA | Monday, 23 Apr 2012 | Views [1140] | Comments [1]

See the gallery A society wedding & KL trip  for photos from this post. Happy new year! April is here which means three things – the ASEAN summit, hot season and Khmer new year (our third new year in three months: the 'international' one ... Read more >

Photos: A New Year

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 26 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

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A New Year

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 26 Jan 2012 | Views [1254] | Comments [7]

See the gallery A New Year  for photos from this post. So now its 2012.  A lot sure has happened since my last job in Sydney came to an abrupt end in January 2009 – three years ago!  Some of it pretty funny, like recently when I was at the checkout ... Read more >

Photos: New House

CAMBODIA | Monday, 17 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

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The Flexible Approach

CAMBODIA | Monday, 17 Oct 2011 | Views [1629] | Comments [3]

See the gallery  New House  for photos from this post. Cambodia's adeptness at flexibility is nowhere more evident than on the roads. Actually I've been thinking the the roads here are a metaphor for the way that Cambodians live life: don't ... Read more >

Photos: December to July

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Expect the Unexpected

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 2 Aug 2011 | Views [1265] | Comments [2]

See the gallery  December to July  for photos from this post. The last time I wrote a proper update on this blog was eight months ago, which seems to fit the haphazard pattern of chronicling my experiences and observations of the last ... Read more >

Photos: Water Festival

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Grieving Kingdom

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Views [656] | Comments [1]

November 23 rd has been an incredibly sad day, with the news of the terrible tragedy of the deaths of almost 400 people in Phnom Penh, at the closing of the annual water festival, one of Cambodia’s biggest celebrations. Every year around three ... Read more >

Sua S'dei!

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 16 Nov 2010 | Views [1370] | Comments [7]

See the gallery  and now, Cambodia  for photos from this post. I’ve recently come home from Thailand, but it’s not what you think…. I was only there for a few days, and “home” is now Phnom Penh, Cambodia.   Somehow, something unbelievable happened, ... Read more >

Photos: and now, Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Monday, 15 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Sangkhla & Cambodia

THAILAND | Sunday, 4 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Jungle Life

THAILAND | Sunday, 4 Apr 2010 | Views [1188] | Comments [3]

See the gallery Sangkhla & Cambodia  for photos from this post. It’s been two months since I last sat down to write an update for this blog, so it feels like a big job to start now.   After three months here I’m well and truly settled into life ... Read more >

Photos: First month in Sangkhla

THAILAND | Friday, 8 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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First Month In Sangkhla

THAILAND | Friday, 8 Jan 2010 | Views [1233] | Comments [8]

See the gallery  First month in Sangkhla  for photos from this post. An early morning taxi to Bangkok’s southern bus terminal and a bit of confused wandering later, I found myself on the number 81 bus heading north-west to Kanchanaburi.   An ... Read more >

Photos: Koh Kood & Phnom Penh

THAILAND | Saturday, 2 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Goodbye, Chiang Rai

THAILAND | Saturday, 2 Jan 2010 | Views [1288] | Comments [2]

See the gallery  Koh Kood & Phnom Penh  for photos from this post. Arriving back in Chiang Rai from Luang Prabang on Friday the 13th November, I headed for the now-familiar Orchids Guesthouse to meet up with my friend Maddie, an Australian ... Read more >

Photos: Loy Kratong & Luang Prabang

LAOS | Saturday, 5 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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After Phuchaisai

THAILAND | Thursday, 19 Nov 2009 | Views [1050]

  See the gallery  Loy Kratong & Luang Prabang  for photos from this post. I think it’s fair to say that once I got back to Chiang Rai after my few days in the mountains, I didn’t really completely throw myself ... Read more >

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