Yesterday night, when i lay in bed i thought about that i forgot to drink all the day. So i switched on the light again and went to my desk where i wanted to drink. But directly in front of my eyes i saw.... a huge cockroach. Giant, i guess 10 centemetres and i'm not kidding. i thought to myself not to be a pussy and wake up my flatmates just because of a little beatle. But while i was watching the beatle i recognized that it was defenitly not little and absolutely disgusting. So 10 minutes later i decided to wake up Kyle, my brave flatmate, which reactet immediatly. But when he saw this beautiful animal he was as scared as me. By trieng to crap it up with toilet paper he lost it in the nowhere. We searched for 5 minutes all over my room. Suddenly it made a big plump and the bastard jumped out of my hair. I absolutely overreactet and my scream woke up nearly everybody. The fuckin thing was sitting in my hair for full 5 minutes!!!!
I couldn't sleep for hours afterwards.