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A Dream Come True Finally I am off on a dream trip that I dreamt of for many, many years. I flew from London Heathrow on 2 October 2008 to Delhi I will continue my journey to explore many places for the next 8 months:) And years to come......

San Fransico- USA

INDIA | Friday, 12 June 2009 | Views [405]

My last leg of an awesome:-) trip. I never had any desire to go to USA in the past and I have heard a lot of horror stories getting through immigration etc, but I had no problems. I was whisked through after giving my finger prints. I was overwhelmed by their excellent customer service and generally friendly people all over San Fran. I love San Francisco, which is a beautiful city with a diverse and interesting population. I stayed in an excellent YHA hostel in the centre of San Fran. The first hostel I have come across providing free breakfast, and a great breakfast it was consisting of Bagels, Philadelphia cheese, peanut butter, jam, fantastic coffee and fresh orange juice. A very American brekkie.

I visited the SFMOMA (San Fran Museum of Modern Art), which had some excellent pieces of art. I also took the tram down to Fishermans Wharf, which was a bit disappointing as it was full of touristy souvenir shops and expensive restaurants. However I had a walk along the coast so that I could get a view of the Golden Gate Bridge. I also visited the Missionary and Castro district. The Missionary district makes you feel like you have arrived in Mexico, full of Spanish speaking people, little Mexican cafes and restaurants and lots of murals and colourful houses. The Castro district is the area where lots of gay people live, in fact San Fran is considered to be the gay capital of the world and there are rainbow flags all over the city. Finally, it was very difficult not to shop! 



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