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Photos: Aurora, Volcanos and More!

ICELAND | Friday, 2 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

Miscellaneous photos from Skagastrond & Reykjavik
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Photos: Snaefellsnes

ICELAND | Friday, 2 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Encounters at the End of the World

ICELAND | Friday, 2 Apr 2010 | Views [766]

I’m too lazy to sit down and write any proper stories to accompany the pictures that I’m posting, so here are just some notes and highlights from the past few weeks: Snaefellsnes: I took a trip to the Snaefellsnes peninsula with some of the other girls ... Read more >

Photos: Country mouse's new adventures

ICELAND | Monday, 15 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Having a normal life

ICELAND | Monday, 15 Mar 2010 | Views [626]

March 14, 2010 Twin Peaks, Iceland It's sort of nice to just live my life here. No packing up my home every morning and rushing for a bus, being with people for longer than a day & really getting to be friends with them, getting to know the town ... Read more >

Photos: Skagaströnd

ICELAND | Friday, 5 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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On the road again...

ICELAND | Friday, 5 Mar 2010 | Views [806]

...just can’t wait to get on the road again I’m off to Skagaströnd in the northwest on my third day in Iceland. Even though it’s pretty much clear across the country from Reykjavík, the bus ride is only four and a half hours (including 45 minutes of ... Read more >

Photos: Reykjavík

ICELAND | Friday, 5 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Northern exposure

ICELAND | Friday, 5 Mar 2010 | Views [658]

In some ways Iceland is the exact opposite of Argentina and in others, it’s its alter ego. Patagonia has Tierra del Fuego, the land of fire, and this is the land of ice. Argentina’s got the almost southernmost city in the world and Iceland’s got the almost ... Read more >

Photos: Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Friday, 19 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

Don't cry for me, Argentina
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Last weekend in Argentina

ARGENTINA | Friday, 19 Feb 2010 | Views [552]

I have a couple days in Buenos Aires before I go back to the States. It rains pretty much the whole time that I’m there, so badly one evening that the streets are all flooded. It has me in a bad mood, but I try to stay positive. I’m excited to be in a ... Read more >

Photos: Colonia del Sacramento

URUGUAY | Friday, 19 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: La Plata

ARGENTINA | Friday, 19 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

Museo de Ciencias Naturales
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Day tripping

URUGUAY | Friday, 19 Feb 2010 | Views [542]

I arrive in Buenos Aires via the overnight bus at 9:30am, ditch my backpack in a locker and jump on a 10am bus to La Plata, an hour and a half southeast.  I’m going there to visit the Museo de Ciencias Naturales (I think you can figure out the translation ... Read more >

Photos: Misiones

ARGENTINA | Friday, 19 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

San Ignacio, Santa Ana, Loreto
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Jungle missions

ARGENTINA | Friday, 19 Feb 2010 | Views [536]

Slight hitch in my travel plans when I’m denied entry into Brazil for lack of a visa. I made it as far as Brazilian immigration, which I had to leave immediately, then cross the street and wait for the bus back to Argentina. Border security was light, ... Read more >

Photos: Iguazu Falls

ARGENTINA | Friday, 19 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Iguazú Falls

ARGENTINA | Monday, 1 Feb 2010 | Views [571]

I take a bus for 24 hours from Salta to Puerto Iguazú, home of Iguazú Falls. The buses here are so comfortable that 24 hours doesn´t even faze me anymore.  The falls are at the very northeasterly tip of Argentina on the border with Brazil and Paraguay ... Read more >

Photos: Northwestern Argentina

ARGENTINA | Monday, 1 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

I´m dancing, screaming, itching, squealing, fevered, feeling HOT HOT HOT!!!
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Salta and the Northwest

ARGENTINA | Monday, 1 Feb 2010 | Views [564]

I left the farm a week and a half ago and went to Salta in northwestern Argentina. I loved the city so much. It has a very European feel (go colonialism!) with cobblestone streets, Spanish style cathedrals and beautiful plazas. It is also hot hot hot ... Read more >

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