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The Year of the Human Being


There are [0] photos and [6] stories about Thailand

Ta-Ta Thailand

Tuesday, 17 Apr 2012 | Views [158]

It might have been inside the in-flight magazine on my return from Phuket where I read about a common Songkran sentiment; the first day is amazing, the second day is not so much fun, and by the third day, you're sick and tired of water being thrown ... Read more >

Happy New Year!

Friday, 13 Apr 2012 | Views [155]

It wasn't until I was leaving Shanghai for Bangkok that a German guy I’d just met told me I’d be in Southeast Asia for Thai New Year. He said, "Get ready to get wet."  Since then, I’d discussed Songkran with a few other people;... Read more >

Koh Phi Phi and The Imaginary Tsunami

Thursday, 12 Apr 2012 | Views [261]

I'm quite tickled by the way a lot of place names are pronounced here. Although Phuket is not said as it’s read, the bus terminal I left for Cambodia from is called Mo Chit (the "C" is given an “S” sound) and the islands I took a boat ... Read more >

The Phuket Philosophy

Friday, 6 Apr 2012 | Views [163]

If Phuket was pronounced with a short "u" sound (which it's not) it would complement the mentality of many visitors here: “Aw Phuket, man, I don’t care what it costs…I’m on vacation!” Unfortunately, I’m not able to ... Read more >

Two Nights in Bangkok & the World's Your Dumpster

Wednesday, 4 Apr 2012 | Views [247]

So far, I've learned that when someone in Southeast Asia tells you "Ten more minutes" they mean twenty, and so on. What I didn’t know when I wrote my last entry was that we would actually make the remaining 7 hours of what turned out to be a 12-... Read more >

My (Uncensored) Thoughts on China

Thursday, 29 Mar 2012 | Views [318]

It's been a long day. Awake at a quarter 'til five in the morning for my journey to Bangkok, I spent my first hour at the airport standing in the wrong line, although I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why the ticket agent I went to couldn’... Read more >



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